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bryant fong
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Welcome in 2009

2009 a new wind is in the air change is coming!   Certainly, the world is on the brink of change....good and bad,  weather is for California really cold.......so cold that some nights you can see the frost of my breath inside my home(!!).............no rain tho.....we could use more in the Sierras so we can prevent water drought..........California needs to get it's act together before we run out of money......and for me that means no job...............whoooo, that's scary nowadays as unemployment is rising faster than ever..................fortunately, I still have a job working for the YMCAs in San Francisco and Berkeley.....but times are hard........auto industry looks bad......only sold half the cars they did in the previous years........tho in California you see lots of new cars on the street..........will be interesting to see how the economy effects martial arts business........should help people teaching in the parks I would imagine................on the national front I wonder if a senator appointed....by a govenor who is under investigation for abuse of his office.........legal.......but I thought, that you are innocent until proven guilty.....so seems to me you can't bar him from serving........an embarasement for Congress.......but they better get use to it that just might be their future!!  The Moslems and the Palestinans.....very sad..........you are all the children of God...and yet you know of no other way to resolve your conflicts...........they are the makings of this world...how can you expect to be part of the next?  The children suffer in war............you kill the next generation so you can squabble now........truly the sad state of religion.............

One thing tho....no matter how bleak things may look.......if there is down that only means up is around the corner..........things go in cycles.....you just have to know when things are changing and to go with it...............be spontaneous, yet focused........So having said that I get a call from an old colleague from Cal......he needs a lion dance for his conference.......perfect way to usher in the new year.........someone always needs one in any kind of times!

Originally, before everyone got into performing Lion Dances on poles and set up platforms, lion dancing was about puzzles....they were designed to test your knowledge of Chinese Culture and your martial arts skill.  This is the Snake Puzzle....it represents the old year..all it's bad elements........since the story Journey to the West....even probably earlier snakes were considered to be a sign of evil.........but even that has it's good side.......the eyes are oranges..........asign og happiness, letteuce a sign of fortune...........something we all need!!  Your test is to see if you can attack the snake properly......and spread the fortune and happiness........but there is a proper method and you must demonstrate your martial arts ability.

The Lion cautiously approaches the snake and sizes it up.  The Lion is always careful and shows restraint yet curiosity.

After the routine is done time to thank the audience for the invite..........3 bows and we're out!

Ryan thanks for a great job....and Jared for bringing his students....always satisfying to me to see the student'ss of my student performing........the art needs to be passed on to the next generation.  And thanks to Dr Lieu for inviting us to his event!

Well, I do hope everyone had a great New Years.........lots of hard work ahead...........speaking of which got to get going....also got to get rid of this cold that sort of snuck up on me.....the weather isn't making it easier to get rid of.....however, they say it might warm up by the weekend.  Hope so! Cya!!

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares


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english, cantonese, mandarin, german, spanish
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San francisco, United States
Member Since
December 27, 2007