bryant fong
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What steroids???

Loved baseball as a teenager..........was a fan of Willie Mays,Juan Marichal, Willie McCovey......listened to all the World Series games on a little transistor radio....remember those? Many have said that the steroid scandal has tainted the sport.  Well actually, money has tainted the sport......when it becomes so important to win or stay on top that you will do anything to remain there ....then there is certainly something wrong.  Money is what talks........do you think honestly no one knew this was going on?  If you look at any season in the last ten it is common to hear that a ball player had pulled a groin muscle or injured a hamstring........often this is a sign of steroid use...as the muscles get bigger but they lose their elasticity...and becomes easy to rupture a muscle when over exerting.......plus the body begins to gain weight and puts further strain on the body.  Well aren't these just common injuries?  Yeah if you are an out of shape weekend warrior...but for top athletes in their sport .......very unlikely......especially suspicious if the year before they hit 20 homeruns and the following year it jumps to 50 or more.  Is the Bonds homerun record legit or the Roger Clemens strikeouts real........of course, they had the ability to do that...they made have been assisted....but how do you decide how many are assisted and when it began...and do you then take away victories and rewrite history?  But society and Baseball looked the other way when they were making money......and people were packing the parks...that's the bottom line isn't it?!  Even the guys who broke the story about Bonds you might say they were doing a news story.....or were they also  cashing in on steroids......what service have they done for anyone?  That last comment might be a bit cynical but the Taoist say that  every action has its consequence....every action has a predictable reaction.  They have helped to destroy reputations and bring the national past time down to its knees. There is always a big fascination with bringing some one famous down...especially if the return is big.  Paparazzi always spring to my mind ...what in the hell do they do for anyone? ( A certain HK singer actor and his friends have been lambasted in the same way).  Probably the sad thing though is all those players who used steroids....will have to pay the consequences of their use with their own health.......just to hit and throw a little ball to make a lot of people wealthy.  Everyone makes mistakes in life....get over it and move on!  The past cannot be changed...it is already over....but the future is still in your hands!  Do your sport whatever it may be....for the love of it and for fun.......leave things like politics, money , and of course steroids.....behind...they only take the enjoyment out of it!  Cya..time for some anime and relaxation!

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December 27, 2007