bryant fong
体育, 体育教练
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Wu Tao Kuan

On Sunday, I was invited to the 35th anniversary of Wu Tao Kuan to perform for their celebration....Wu Tao Kuan is one of the few Taoist Centers open to the public......it is a center for the Wu Tao Kuan Martial Arts Institute, but also is a center for the practice of yoga, qigong, Chinese Painting, Calligraphy, and massage.  Founded by Sifu Alex Feng as a way to propagate the Taoist Teachings and as a place where different arts can flourish in the community.  While I often perform for the Chinese Community, this was quite refreshing as the Taoist Center brings our art to a very diverse community......performers represented martial arts from Okinawa, Japan, Persia  India, China, and Hawaii.......Karate, Judo, Aikido, Kajukenbo, Yoga, Iado, Choy Lai Fut, Liu He Ba Fa, Chen Taiji, Northern Shaolin, Bagua and Wushu were all part of the program.  The program reflects the influence that Sifu Feng has as he reaches across different communities of Martial Arts.....truly Wushu yi jia.........the famliy of Martial Arts.  Congradulations to Sifu Feng for 35 years of service to the community and for continuing the teachings of Taoism! 

The program of performers was nearly three hours long.....but no one was bored as each performance was of a very high quality.  Sifu Clarence Lee was one of the first martial arts performers........at 81 he was in amazing shape......he performed an Okinawan Oar form and then following immediately after the Shaolin Spring and Autumn Halbred.......no easy task both very long and difficult forms!  Then our SF Wushu Team followed......we did Bagua, Chen Bagua Taqiji Fan, Chen Broadsword, and then finished with Kevan and Ryan's Sparring Set........Kevan again lost his shoe which he used to as a weapon....that's getting to be their trademark...hehe,  Other performers included many old friends including: Eric Lee doing an application demonstration, Dr. Johnny Jang performing the rarely seen Liu He Ba Fa...the Taoist Water Style, Master Wang Pei Kun from Shanghai who performed Taiji Broadsword, and a Taiji Straightsword form he created during his flight to the US(!), Sifu Janet Gee doing Five Animal Form, and a really old friend from Chinatown Sensei Sam Ahtye, performing Okinawan Shorin Ryu Karate.  It was also good to see Professor Wally Jay, Sensei Anthony Daniels and Sensei Luther Secrease.......they were judges when I was still competing in the US National Karate tournament Circuit.  It was a great performance and an opportunity to renew old friendships and make new ones!  Again thanks to Sifu Feng for a very special event.....and here's jiayo to many more years......we will see you at the 40th!!  

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Coming: Sept 14 Mid-Autumn Festival Sept 15 Dragon Boat Festival Oct 12 4th Annual Golden State Chinese Martial Arts Champions


english, cantonese, mandarin, german, spanish
San francisco, United States
December 27, 2007