Official Artist
Ben Qwek
Fine Art Printer , Graphic Designer , Illustrator
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CLEAR Escape Dirt City

Splash PageHere's something I do for a living other than drawing naked chicks. I was commissioned to do some illustration work for CLEAR shampoo. It's basically a web game that enable google maps. The game involves illustration, programming as well as 3D elements.

Protagonist Character ShotsSome monster designs as well. I don't have the 3D shots but you guys can click HERE for the game itself. They are based on various characteristic and animals such as bats, dogs, etc. Oh yes, there's also in game illusts done by me as well.

Once again, big ups to the folks @ Kilo and Arcade for the gig. Go local folks. CLICK HERE FOR THE GAME. peace, B

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Growing up in a cosmopolitan Singapore, influences are diverse and cultures converge. B grew up watching Sunday morning cartoons, Anime and spends most of his t

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Member Since
September 27, 2008