Bernard Lau
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Lan & Michael | Cinematic Wedding Video Relive the Day Same Day Edit and Reception Reactions Sydney

Bernard Lau Films Cinematic Wedding Video SydneyBehold our first Pre-Wedding + Relive the Day same day edit! This project is truly made of tears, tears and more tears, hope you enjoy our cinematic wedding video which is also premiered at Lan and Michael's reception. We of course shot the epic reception reactions of the guests and the bridal party as they were watching the wedding video. We'd recommend that you have a tissue box at hand - just in case Meet Lan and Michael, our Bride and Groom. They have been together for 10 years now, so this epic wedding has had its ample time to mature into a very fine wine.

The pre-wedding was shot 2 weeks beforehand and it took us 2 days to think up a concept and draw up a storyboard. In our first meeting with Lan and Michael, Lan mentioned that she loves macarons, in particular ones from Baroque patisserie. So we decided to run with the theme of macarons in the film and having them sharing many intimate moments together with the french confectionery.

As the name of the film suggests, the story follows the journey of the love letters from their conception at the pre-wedding to the letters being presented by Lan and Michael to one another. 

Lan and Michael are surrounded by a group of great family and friends which made our shoot so fun and an absolute breeze. They take to the camera like fish to water. And we are loving every second of it. 

When time came to showing our film at reception, we were greeted with cheers and tears of joy. 

In the words, of Lan's elder sister Amy, "You caused a tsunami of tears on Saturday night. It was amazing how you capture their emotions."

We love Same Day Edits, the feeling of having 300 people watching your work and experiencing their reactions first hand is overwhelming. So overwhelming, that we got shivers running down our spine and Michelle had to hold back her tears.

Without much ado, we hope you enjoy our latest creation as much as we did.

Until next time, Bernard & Michelle

Visit us at: bernardlau.com.au Read our blog: weddingvideosydney.org.au Like us on Facebook: facebook.com/BernardLauFilms Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/​#!/​bernardlaufilmsVideo:http://vimeo.com/30314770Video:http://vimeo.com/31710864Epic Wedding Ingredients:Videographer - Bernard Lau Films Ceremony - Michael's home Reception - Villa Capri Photographer - Vu Foto Master of Ceremony - Joseph Hieu Dinh Disc Jockey - Daniel Araneda Marriage Celebrant - Pauline Fawkner Soundtrack - Valentine by Kina Grannis and Two is Better than One by Boys Like Girls feat. Taylor Swift

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english, cantonese
March 29, 2008