I stumbled upon Shane Hurlbut’s blogwhen I was on DSLRShooter as they wrote an article about his insights in HDDSLR technology.
Shane’s other hobbies are to make gadgets, such as the Canon 5D helmet.
Going to Shane’s website, it was a plethora of information and advice on how HDDSLR can and should be used for film. Philip Bloom is all good with announcing all the latest gadgets and his timelapse films but Shane goes more in depth about which gear to use and why… suddenly, I want to start saving up for Zeiss lenses!
Ah, the life of a pro filmaker…
It was also interesting to find out that Shane was the DP of Terminator Salvation and shot webisodes on the Canon 5D for that film. Oh, and he was the person that Christian Bale went crazy at… now I see two passionate people about their work that were at the wrong spot at the wrong time…
Hhmmm, all these cinematographer blogs and gear blogs I’m reading… I should be finding me some Director and Writer blogs too! So that instead of getting inspired to buy new gear, I should be writing and shooting…
Imagine shooting a wedding with that.