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Casting call: ‘The Blood Bond’
From First Born Productions
We are looking for English speaking Chinese actors to play leading roles in an upcoming international action thriller, ‘The Blood Bond’.
The film stars and is directed by Michael Biehn (‘The Terminator’, ‘The Rock’), who is cast opposite veteran Hong Kong actor Simon Yam.
Actors should preferably be mainland Chinese passport holders, but we’ll look at anybody!
We need:
1) Female villainess: This is the Darth Maul of the movie, a lovely yet lethal killing machine. Applicants don’t need to be martial arts experts, but should have a solid background in dance, gymnastics or kung fu.
2) Police commander: A mature, experienced officer, yet also someone capable to going into action alongside his men. (Age : 35-45)
3) Various police officers: These should be fit, clean-cut youngsters. (Ages: early 20s up)
4) Guerilla fighters: These are more character types, weathered rebel soldiers living in the mountains and forests. (Ages: Mid-20s up.)
If based in prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /Hong Kong, please send your resume, photos and contact details to:
Christine Ip
If based in China, please send your materials to producer Seth Scher at our partner company, Fundamental
Blood Bond剧组招聘演员
First Born出品
寻找能熟练运用英文的中国演员,参演即将开拍的国际动作大片《Blood Bond》。
1) 女性反派角色:本片中的主要反派人物,可爱又可怕的杀人机器。应聘者不要求精通武术,但是要有一定的身体条件,比如有舞蹈、体操或是武术功底。
2) 警察指挥官:成熟,有经验的警官,能够与自己的手下一起参与行动。年龄35-45岁之间。
3) 警察:若干名。年轻干练,身材健硕。年龄20-25岁。
4) 游击队员:若干名,生活在山区丛林里的反政府组织成员。年龄25-30岁。