Official Artist
Bhavini Raval
Actor , Director
40,845 views| 4  Posts


Hey Peeps

So as my ass has been kicked several times about not doing this ....i have finally found a moment to do this !!!! Apologies ....especailly to Spencer who was devestated that I hadn't fully utlised my AnD profile ...this is for you!!

I guess I should tell you a little about myself....brace yoursleves and grab a cup of tea !!!

I have been in Hong Kong since the summer of 2006 and have been a NEDT...a Native English Drama Teacher in local schools since......but thats just the day job...by night I get involved in all things creative that are going on in Hong Kong.

What do I do ? Actor, director, producer, VO, stylist,set designer, PR dudette, Marketing dudette, think of great and stupid ideas,teacher, facilitator....and most recently the CB FRESH wardrobe,Trailer....production manager type person.....

I have performed in the following theatre productions in Hong Kong....The Vagina Monologues 2007/8, Rupunzel- A shadow puppett musical version of the classic tale, Arsenic and Roses, Grading on a Curve and  Suzi Wong, I have directed 'II Variations on Frair Johns Failure' and The Vagina Monologues 2008 at the Fringe Club.

Most recently I was involved with the e.v.e..n.t 's ' SENSORY RUNWAY' as part of the production team......which was a blaaaaaaaaaaaast!!!

At the mo? At the moment I am one of the two CB FRESH flyyyyy girls along with my girl Peapops...helping the CB FRESH boys  to take on world domination!!!

Keep you posted on my little adventures........

Much Love








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you digga the most, Buttah!
over 16 years ago


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Hong Kong
Member Since
August 21, 2007