Butter Scotch
饶舌歌手, 音乐家, 歌手
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I am Black/White/Native American/Asian and Gay and I don't give a FUCK what you think. I will continue to be me and live and love my life regardless of how often you put ALL my people down. We continue to rise. Only love can conquer hate.

Praying doesn't do shit unless you take action. The next time you hear someone being made fun of for being different, stick up for them. The next time your friends call someone else "gay" for being stupid, say something. Raise awareness in your community. Start small. Everything changes with multiple tiny steps that grow into an infinite ripple effect. You never know how you can effect or even save someone's life.

I am so angry and sad today. I lost my aunt this weekend and waking up to this news set me off. I need to align myself and get back to a positive state of mind. I mourn for my family as well as everyone who has lost anyone in this horrible tragedy.

AcceptWhoIam #Pride #LGBT #Orlando #Pulse #LAPride #Lesbian #Gay #Transgender #TakeAction #Inspire #Motivate #Love #Peace #ButterscotchMusic

大约 8 年 前 766 赞s  暂无评论  61 shares



english, spanish
San francisco, United States
August 4, 2010