candy lo - my official artist profile
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candy lo
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About candy lo

to love but not to hate*shanti shanti

say ALOHA to my life, try by error, do whatever i want as LIFE IS SHORT. fall down and learn how to stand up again for MUSIC and FASHION! learnt drummings when i was F6, joined 2 church bands as a drummer and vocalist. being a member of hk indie band - BLACK & BLUE from 1994 to 1996, released 2 full albums at the year of 95 and 96. signed to SONY at 97 as solo singersongwriter, released 10 full albums. then joined WOW MUSIC at 07 to continue the music dream. | 對我的人生說聲ALOHA。生命短暫,即使犯錯也要做我想做的;就算摔倒也要學習如何再次站起來,為了音樂與潮流! F6時我學了打鼓,在兩個教堂樂隊當鼓手和歌手。1994到1996年加入香港獨立樂隊BLACK & BLUE,95、96年發行兩張專輯。97年作為solo歌手、創作人與SONY簽約,發行了10張專輯。07年加入WOW音樂公司繼續追尋我的音樂夢想。 | 对我的人生说声ALOHA。生命短暂,即使犯错也要做我想做的;就算摔倒也要学习如何再次站起来,为了音乐与潮流! F6时我学了打鼓,在两个教堂乐队当鼓手和歌手。1994到1996年加入香港独立乐队BLACK & BLUE,95、96年发行两张专辑。97年作为solo歌手、创作人与SONY签约,发行了10张专辑。07年加入WOW音乐公司继续追寻我的音乐梦想。

Interesting facts about candy lo

Languages Spoken english, cantonese, mandarin
Location Hong Kong
Gender female
English Name Candy Lo
Traditional Chinese Name 盧巧音
Simplified Chinese Name 卢巧音
Member Since September 17, 2008
Fans 120
Profile Views 170,874


**to love but not to hate*shanti shanti**

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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
September 17, 2008