I've been thinking lately that , OK now I've lost the weight that everyone was on my case about, then what's next?
everyone thinks i look better but then.... well i gotta say only until really recently i feel good about myself. when i lost my weight at the very beginning no matter what others tell me i'd still feel pretty bad , i dun feel beautiful. no not at all. especially i knew how i lost it and it's not pretty man....
now i realise the thing is .... it's not really about how you look, but how you see yourself , and how you feel about yourself . right now i konw that as god's daughter, i am beautiful and i'm happy and thankful for who i am , of course there are still a lot that i gotta work on , personality wise, but i'm confident that with god's help, i can do it .
so YEAH! time to go shopping for new clothes and be the new me. the new me that is confident and beautiful, from inside and out !!!!
' I am beautiful, no matter what they say, words can't bring me down
No you can't bring me down today "
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