Baby i know how much you long to be freed
And may i tell you that you are
Yes we've all been hurt and we hurt others
But darling we are not alone
We were foolish and blinded
But also forgiven
Honey yes you hurted me bad
But it's ok so did i
We dun have to live in this false guilt no more
We are free, in Him we are
He's our redeemer
Just let Him do what he does best
And let it go
Set yourself free,
Lean on him and not our own understanding
It's ok, we were just too broken
Repent and turn away
Let Him guide us
And we ll be free
The kind of free that you've been dreaming for
Life shouldn't be a cage
He didn't die for us so that we'd be condemed
Dun buy into the enemy's lie
It's a lie that we are bad people who doesn't deserve love and freedom
We are just silly broken people too desperatly trying to get help and looked the wrong way.
Let that burden go honey and start living
The Lord will guide you
someday we'll all be free
And that someday is today
Praying for you.