Official Artist
Carl Tsang
Art Director , Photographer
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「活在石屎森林下的生命 」攝影比賽&“Lives in the Concrete Jungle”

I have recently participated in a photography contest in HK and two of my submitted photographs have been chosen for exhibition in the Peak Galleria from May 16 to June 30, 2010. The name of the contest is "Lives in the Concrete Jungle". Purpose of this contest is hoping to show that lives of human and animals in the concrete jungle are all facing different changes and challenges. However, how animals live their lives and survive their challenges are definitely something that us human should learn and respect. On the other hand, we hope to bring the message of “Love Hong Kong, Love Life” with the photographs. Photographs of the winners in the contest will be published in the LAP (Lifelong Animal Protection Charity) album as a charitable item.

I hope by showing support to this contest, I can contribute a bit by getting people's awareness to this.

最近參加了一個名為「活在石屎森林下的生命 」的攝影比賽。其中我的兩張參賽作品入圍並將會由5月16日 - 6月30日,在山頂廣場展覧場內展出。除此之外,相片亦會刊登於LAP (Lifelong Animal Protection Charity) 相集, 將會在全港出售,以作義賣之用。

藉著是次活動,希望透過每一張相片下的生命,讓大家知道,人類與動物同時活在石屎森林內,同樣面對不同轉變、不同困難,但牠們擁有的生命力,絕對值得我們學習及尊重,另一方面希望可以帶出 “愛香港 愛生命” 的信息。希望支持這次比賽可以盡自己一份微小力量可以提起大眾對此的關注。


1 of the two chosen photographs by the contest


1 of the two chosen photographs by the contest


about 14 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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english, cantonese, mandarin
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Hong Kong
Member Since
December 24, 2007