Carl Tsang
艺术总监, 摄影师
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A pretty good burger fast food restaruant you can find in HK these day... a very cute monster as the logo that you will remember. I tried that with one of my frieds the other day - at first, we wanted to go for salad (pretend to live a healthy life style)... but, we ended up sitting in this Monster Burger.

This is the first time, I was there in front of the cashier and had absoultely no clue what to order becoz they have more choices than McDonald's and Burger King... and I took my time and chose a fish burger combo (which I think should be safe anyhow). They are very cute in a way that they put a sticker on your burger and you will know right there which is yours and which is your friends...


Since the first time was not a bad experience, I finally went in again. This time I tried something new and have never tried before. Fish + Pork. Yes, Fish and Pork in the same burger.

The Fish was very solid there and not lossen in every single bite - which is amazing !

Anyway, go try it - I give them 4.5 stars because of the creativity, good taste, and the thickness of the burger. The 0.5 star deducted was due to the lack of choices in drinks... :-)


15 年多 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares
I think i saw it before in hk!
15 年多 ago
Jayson 93 2
I love burgers but haven't tried Monster Burger yet. When I do I'll definitely try the fish and pork, very interesting combo!
15 年多 ago
Photo 50733
seems like we got a lot of burger lovers here. maybe we can organize a burger gathering... so we can meet in person !!! LOL
15 年多 ago



english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
December 24, 2007