先講林海峰的吧,他的演唱會是非一般的演唱會,一半楝篤笑,一半是唱歌,但整個演唱會給我的感覺是很有創意,誠意十足的,無論服裝及舞台設計, (雖然是把其他歌手的演唱會部份環節抄過來)但在他的創意下都顯得很新穎,特別是諷刺現今娛樂圈的大小事項,所以我幾乎笑全場,
整個演唱會就如一個舞台劇,是講述她小時候聽萱媽演唱開始直到最近的專輯,一開始是由萱媽演唱jazz歌曲, (萱媽也是一個專業的歌手),帶著小時候的小曉出來,接著她便出場,一口氣演譯了多首她耳熟能詳的舊作,中間還邀請到李泉作特別嘉賓,這也是一個驚喜,在演出到”現在”前,她是一直沒有說話,只是一直唱,到後來更在台上剪髮,是來形容一個新的她,跟著她便說因為她一直在演以前的自己,所以不能說話!真的好棒啊!其實在演唱會中間的佈景上,有時候會顯示出一些很有意思的句子, (當然是配合歌曲啦!)可惜現在記不起來!抱歉未能跟大家分享,但如果會發演唱會的dvd的,我一定會棒場的,各位沒有去看的,真的是錯過了這精彩的演出!不過我拍了部份照片,希望你們可以感受當中氣氛!
Thank you tinlaulau translate this article to me, and here is :
Other than reading new scrīpts in the daytime, I've actually been going to check out a few concerts for the past 2 nights. One of which is Jan Lamb's concert. The other is for Mavis Fan.
Let's talk about Jan Lamb's first. His concert was more than just a typical concert. It's half stand-up comedy and half of it consists of singing. But I thought it was pretty creative overall and it was certainly done with such sincerity. With certain aspects like the costumes and stage design put into consideration (even though some of them were copied from other people's concerts), he has managed to show something fresh to his creativity. Particularly when he is poking fun of the latest news in the entertainment industry. It kept me laughing throughout the whole show.
The other one is Mavis Fan's concert. I am, in fact, a huge fan of her music. Other than being able to watch her perform live, I'd also have to thank Tats Lau. Tats brought me backstage so I give her a friendly greeting and take a photo with her. I was going to bring out all of her albums over so she could give me an autograph but I was too shy. So in the end, I got no autograph from her.
The whole concert was like a stage play. She talks about the time she listened to her mother singing up to her latest album. The concert starts with Mavis Fan's mother singing a jazz piece. (Her mom was also a professional singer.) She came out to the stage holding the hand of a young Mavis. Then she came out and sang many of her old favorites. Li Chuan also came out as a special guest. This certainly came as a surprise. Before she got to singing "The Present", she hadn't said a word. All she did was sing. Then she had begun cutting her hair on stage as her way of describing a new "her". Then she said she couldn't speak because she has been her old self after all this time. That was truly amazing! In fact, there was always a meaningful word displayed in the centre of the stage throughout the concert. (This was obviously done to match the song she was singing!) Sadly enough to say, I can't remember them right now! Sorry for being unable to share it with everybody. But I will check it out again if a concert dvd comes out. If any of you haven't seen it, you've definitely missed out on a wonderful performance! But I have taken some photos. Hope you can all get a gist of the atmosphere of these concerts!
I wanted to show my new hair style for you guys but unfortunately, the photo was kinda blurry and didn't look too good.
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