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upcoming function on 16/08

 真係非常非常之對唔住! 因為拍劇所以好耐有上嚟喇!  而家正忙於拍攝老婆大人二, 所以仲有段時間忙,本來影咗一啲工作相諗住post上嚟, 可惜因為外景時係某個主題公園, 受條例所限, 唔可以post上嚟俾大家睇, 真係對唔住! 唯有要你哋等套劇上街先有得睇喇! 不過我8月16日會為慈善團體擔任活動司儀, 而家就post張poster俾你哋睇睇啦! 呢個活動係支持環保, 你哋都支持吓啦! 如需要更多資料, 可電致 27168778 或27168719查詢

Hi, sorry for didn't come here for a long long time, since I was busy with a series shooting now and I will be busy with this some more time. beside I took some working picture in a Theme Park and they have restrict rule so that I cannot post those pictures here. so you guys can see it when the series come out. But then, I post a poster here  and that is the charity function that I will be the emcee in it. the infor as below. this is a functions for second hand books and protect envoirment. so please come and support it. for further details you can call 27168778 or 27168719

活動 : 基督教勵行會舊書回收義賣日開幕儀式 - 愛心相扶童創未來

Function : Christian Action's Charity Sale of Second Hand Books - Love Nurtures Children and Our Future

日期 : 16/08/2008

Date : 16/08/2008

時間 : 13:00-14:00

Time : 13:00-14:00

地點 : 馬鞍山廣場

Venue : Ma On Shan Plaza.

接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  7 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
cool! i used to live over there. looking forward to seeing your series pics when the show comes out!
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 60854
其實個FUNCTION係基督教勵行會搵我, 只不過係咁啱啫. 今次個角色係畢咗業啦, 不過就唔係做見習Lawyer, 哈哈哈, 做咩角色?! 秘密呀! hahaha
接近 16 年 ago


歡迎來到我的個人網誌! Welcome to my blog!


cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
February 19, 2008