Official Artist
Celina Jade
Actor , Singer , Model
985,117 views| 101  Posts

Back in Hong Kong

It's been so long since I last wrote, I sincerely apologize! I missed wishing you a great Christmas, New Years, C hinese New Year,and Valentine 's Day. And there are no excuses for that! 太久沒寫博客,真很抱歉!時間過得很快,圣誕節,新年,農歷新年,情人節都巳經過去了。沒有早些問候和祝福大家,真對不起啦!

First, I would like to say thank you for all those people who took the time out to message me here on AnD.   Your words were encouraging, wise, and supportive,   andI really really appreciate that !  I also appreciate any criticism you may have regarding my career, because I know that people criticise when they care. If no -one tells you you're doing a bad job and ifyou're doing a bad job, you should worry because it means they have given up on you and don't care if you succeed or fail. Many of you said I shouldn't take roles where I'm just a decorative vase  --I will do my best to pick good films and not disappoint you  !

首先,非常感謝大家經過和留言!你們的鼓勵和支持使我非常感動!我亦很感激那些對我有批評的留言。因為我知道有你們這樣關心我,我才能進步。當我做得不太好,而沒有人去指點我,我就知道糟糕了,因為這代表你們己經放棄了我。所以請大家作為我的觀眾多多指教! 很多人叫我要小心選擇將來拍的電影,不要做花瓶。我能力範圍內能做的,我盡量希望做到而不令你們失望。

After Legendary Assassin came out, I did a guest appearance for ''Love Connected'' and played a flight attendant who dates a guy, who has 3 girlfriends behind my back. I really hope this doesn't happen to any of you in real life,   but don't worry if it does, there are many fish in the sea!!!!



I was  also honored to be invited to sing at JSG on TVB for the first time. We sung with TVB's very own live band and I was asked to sing one of Amei's song ''   聽海     '' with GEM - who is an incredible singer at a young age of 17. She's a very sweet girl and   it was great to be able to sing with her.

客串完了,我很榮幸被邀請到<<勁歌金曲>>表演。有機會跟TVB的樂隊合作之餘,他們還給我機會跟 GEM 合作點唱了阿妹<<聽海>>這首經典歌,我非常開心!而且GEM 更是一個很友善、只有17歲的歌唱高手!TVB 給我這個機會跟GEM 首次合唱,我非常感謝他們!

Video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIV3ohnoWVM Video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C__2aFgasck&feature=related

For some reason, in this industry, when you're busy you're  super busy and when it's quiet, you're at home twid dling your thumbs and overindulging in too many episodes of heroes.   Work comes at the same time and goes at the same time. November  / December was probably the busiest time of my life. I shot Love Connected over 2 days and on the last day I was up at 10am,   filmed overnight  till the morning, then went straight to JSG for rehearsals and performance, and was done by 12 pm midnight   the next day. So I was up 26 hours in a row !  I'm still getting used to that!!! My legs felt like they were giving outon me!  :) I feel sorry for my banker friends who work those kind of hours often.

這個行業其實有一點奇怪的,不知道為什麼一忙就忙個不停的,靜起來的時候就待在家裡無所事事,哈哈。十一月十二月可能是我一生中最忙的時候。記得有次早上十時起床開工拍<<保持愛你>>,拍完接住去TVB上<<勁歌金曲>>到下一天的晚上十二時才收工,一共ニ十六小時,腳都軟了!這樣奇怪的工作節奏實在要慢慢適應! :) 想到我在金融界工作的朋友經常要這樣挨夜,我代他們可憐。

For Christmas, I zoomed off to the US to see my family there. It was such a difference being in suburbia, shovel ingsnow off your walkway  ! I hadn't seen my grandmother since 2003!   It was such a joy to see her and it was a wonderful escape from the bustling lifestyle of Hong Kong. In between, I was also able to see some close friends in NY, Boston  etc.. .    Although I must say ,  my body does not like the cold when it's 20 below zero, your nose feels like it's gonna fall off!!!

圣誕節的時侯,我去美國探親了。郊區的生活特別平靜,除了屋外鏟雪是沒有什麼做的。我2003到2008年沒有探過祖母了,而且可以逃脫香港繁忙的城市生活, 實在舒服開心!中間我更分別去了紐約、波士頓等等探朋友。可是美國那個時候冷得要命,負二十度,鼻子都感覺快掉下了,我一點都不習慣!!

NY Festivities My Christmas Nails :)Nana and IBoston - Beacon Hill

Anyway, I came back shortly after new years, had a few days to adjust to my jetlag and zoomed off again to Bangkok, Thailand. Can you imagine the temperature change???? It was so nice to be in hot weather though. I shot my fourth Ponds TV Commercial with TaProd and was so happy to see the crew as they are the  most wonderful people. Thailand is an amazing place, other than it's tropical weather and delicious food, people are so open-minded,and they have these fantastic temples and other historical sights. I even randomly got a Harvard Shirt as a gift. Lol!

新年過後,我回到香港要很快地適應時差然後飛往曼谷拍第四部PONDS的電視廣告,你能想像溫度上的轉變嗎?我很開心能夠再跟TaProd的人合作因為他們非常友善!秦國真是一個令人驚嘆的地方,除了氣候溫暖和有很好吃的菜,還有很多很漂亮的廟。有人還隨意送了我一件Havard 的 T-shirt 哈哈

Day trip to Wat Arun TempleMonks with TATOOS!@?@>?

I returned to Hong Kong after Bangkok for Chinese New Years, did a few CNY jobs and started the promotion of Love Connected, I met a few really nice p eopl e  like the director Yip Lim Sum, Marie and Katy  (DJ Sammy's other girlfriends in the film) and Chloe Chu who sings the theme song of Love connected. The film finally premiered on the 17th last week. 回到香港就是農歷新年了,我亦開始了<<保持愛你>>的宣傳工作,認識了很多好人,例如葉念深導演, 龔嘉欣, 諸葛梓蚊 ( 森美電影中的女朋友) 和 Chloe Chu電影插曲的歌手。 而<<保持愛你>>在今個月十九號上映了。

Since then, I've started choosing songs for my next album. I've heard some really good songs that I like which I hope will be included. It is a long project though, recording this album, so please have some patience with me, my dear friends and hopefully I can bring to you something you will really enjoy.

我現在開始了選歌籌備錄唱碟的工作.要麻煩大家耐性等候了,因為可能要長一點時間才能完成一隻碟,我都望能製造一隻好的唱碟帶給大家欣賞。Anyway, my last note is to all of you, I know these times have been rough with the financial crisis, I know firsthand as a lot of my friends are suffering and they and many other people have lost their jobs!I do hope we all remain optimistic, and stick with each other, especially our dearest family and friends during these bad times. It's the bad times, the hard times that bring us together, and make us stronger!

最後幾句了,我知道現在因為金融海嘯很多人都受到影嚮,我都有好朋友因此而失去了ヱ作! 希望我們一起保持樂觀,堅強的態度,支持鼓勵身邊的家人, 朋友勇往直前。

Here are some video clips that are uplifting, meaningful or funny that you may enjoy.

Love Celina

The last lecture - how to achieve your childhood dreams


The famous airport lady


about 15 years ago 0 likes  24 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
woah, what a trip!
about 15 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
bean town! ;-)
about 15 years ago
Scottiehui 97 scottiehui
Welcome back! Very nice read...now I'm going to finish watching Heroes. See ya soon!
about 15 years ago
Photo 212991
Hi Celina, thanks for the update. Can't wait for your new album! Take care.
about 15 years ago


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Hong Kong
Member Since
May 13, 2008