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My recent life - Work, Party and Have Fun|我的近況 - 工作﹐派對﹐盡興玩﹗|我的近况 - 工作﹐派对﹐尽兴玩﹗

John LegendThanks to the Alivenotdead team, I got to watch one of my favourite singers - John Legend in Macau. He was absolutely amazing, I was really disappointed at the small no. of people that went. I would've thought that he'd be more popular in Asia given his talent and abilities, so if you don't know him, check him out. He sings beautifully and with a lot of soul. After the concert, my friends and I went to the after party by the Venetian pool. Reggie was an awesome DJ, and a dance floor was built across the pool - how cool is that! A bunch of us ended up staying the night since we missed the boats, Cara, Jesper, Yalun and I ate dim sum at 6am at the Casino restaurant. I have to say, I'm getting way too old for these early morning dim sum gigs, nonetheless, they were good times!

Bey Logan's WeddingBey Logan is a wonderful man, and a wonderfully married man indeed :). I was honored to attend his wedding on the 7th of May and he is now officially married to wonder-woman Elizabeth! They were so adorably in love together. Elizabeth was beautiful as ever, Bey was nervous as ever (and sweet, especially when he sang 'you are always on my mind' and I met Australia's very own diva Kate Ceberano (Bey's sister). She is an amazing singer! Full of heart, feeling, emotion and greatness! I had so much fun.

A rather embarrassing story from the event was when Bey told me to get up to sing Eternal Flame. How could I say no to the groom right? What I didn't realise was that Richie would be 'acting' it out! I was trying soooo hard not to look at him and laugh, when he yelled 'Celina' after I sung 'Say my name', I tripped over my own tongue thinking there was some emergency! I was totally caught off guard and now on youtube...  It was hilarious nonetheless.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sqr_nELdvUcI also had the honors to sit next to Maggie Q, she is such a gorgeous woman and a very nice one indeed. She flew all the way to HK just to celebrate this big day with Bey and Elizabeth![](/attachments/2009/06/22/17/83073_2009062217255292.thumb.jpg)EventsBelow are some events I went to recently, I've been to a lot more, but unfortunately didn't bring my camera with me. You see, it's really difficult to take photos, in my opinion. For one, I'm usually holding too small a handbag. Secondly, it's embarrassing to go shooting away. Thirdly, I'm usually with good company, and I enjoy talking to them! I just forget to take out my camera until it's too late! Oh well, the best memories are the ones in your head. Talking about events, I went to the Angels and Demons Premiere last night and surprisingly really enjoyed it. The book is still better but I forgot how wonderfully thought out the ending was. I love Dan Brown! (Sorry... forgot to bring my camera - maybe BC magazine caught a shot?)Sing Pao AnniversaryOxbridge Charity Ball

Angels & Demons Premiere


http://www.lifestyleasia.com/ gallery/angels-and-demons_ 2131/110696..htm


http://www.lifestyleasia.com/ gallery/angels-and-demons_ 2131/110714..htm

 Arrogant CatThanks again to Alivenotdead, I have the most amazing clothes sponsor - Arrogant Cat. When I lived in London, I used to go to Arrogant Cat just down the road from me on Kings Road, I love their stuff, it's for women to feel like women. They accentuate your curves, make you feel confident, edgy and ready for anything that comes your way! Check them out at IFC. The leather jackets are amazing!!! All the nice dresses above are from Arrogant Cat!

Boat TripWhat's Hong Kong without going out to sea. Some friends invited me on a boat to go swimming, we had the best time. We went to Lamma Island for seafood in the afternoon and then dinner at Mijas in Stanley. We all sung American Pie, Blowing in the Wind and other classics - soooo much fun! Don't miss out on renting a junk this summer, it's only $3000 and if you get a group of 10 people together, it's absolutely affordable.Jillian's GraduationMy most loved one, my younger sister - Jillian, finally graduated from high school. Yup, she's no longer baby, she's 18! And out of high school! Time flies! I went to her graduation ceremony and embarrassed the hell out of her when I scrambled in front of everyone to take a photo of her receiving her certificate on stage. Everyone broke out in laughter after I screamed 'OVERHERE!!! ONE TWO THREE' as I clumsily took her photo. My excuse later was, 'HEY! At least I got a photo! My graduation photos from LSE all came out blurry because Dad didn't SEIZE the moment!' hahaha So proud of her!

My Beloved CousinMy wonderful cousin Greg came to visit us for a month. It was his first ever time in HK, and we took him everywhere! I wish I had a brother! I mean, a real blood brother, I have lots of wonderful guy friends who treat me like a little sister, but I still with I had a real brother, they're so much fun and so easily irritated hehehe. We took Greg for a very different experience - to release fish at north point ferry pier.  My grandmother was very ill at the time and had to undergo open heart quadruple bypass surgery. Luckily she made it through and is now getting better in rehab in the states.My latest developmentI've been doing a lot of song-writing lately, quite an inspirational time for me. I'm starting to collaborate with other song-writers and arrangers too!I also set up an official website for those who want to see my showreel/ information/ biography/ filmography and stuff. I made the site myself on my new mac, so please don't be too harsh on my skills! It's http://www.celina-jade.comAlso, I have set up a youtube channel to keep in contact with friends/ fans. If you have any questions or would like to get in touch, I'd be happy to answer them on video for you when I have time. Check out he official CelinaJade channel! http://www.youtube.com/user/CELINAJADEvidsTry not to laugh at me, it's really weird talking into a laptop camera.. kinda boring too... hahaha. I just wanted to be more accessible to my fans. If your questions are in English, I will reply in English, if they are in Chinese, I will reply in Chinese. :)

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_AO0bq5WlM

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mTAjQIwxRQ

Hope you're all well. I will be uploading my birthday photos soon :)

Big Hug and Kisses,

CJ x | John Legend

很感謝alivenotdead的工作人員讓我能夠親身為我一直欣賞John Legend在澳門的演出。他真的很捧。唯一最失望的是在場人數少得很。我認為他在亞洲憑著實力和天份可以紅起來的。若你們還不認識他﹐不妨留意他吧﹗他嗓子真的很靚﹐唱起來很有靈感。演唱會之後﹐我跟朋友便參加了在Venetian Pool舉行的after-party。Reggie不愧為一個好DJ。泳池對面還起了一個舞廳 - 真的很吊喔﹗由於我們錯過了尾班船﹐結果要我們留到通宵了。在早上6點鐘﹐Cara, Jesper, Yalun和我在賭場裡的茶樓吃點心。老實說呢。。。要我那麼早吃點心﹐以我年紀真的做不了啊﹗不管怎麼說﹐這算是快樂的時光吧﹗ 龍比意的婚禮

龍比意是一位好人。亦是一位很好的已婚男士。﹕) 我真的感到很榮幸能夠參與他在五月七日的婚禮。他已正式和另一位同樣很好的Elizabeth小姐結婚啦﹗他們很可愛地愛上了對方。Elizabeth仍然很漂亮。Bey仍是那麼緊張和體貼﹐尤其是當他唱出一首 “You Are Always On My Mind” 的那一刻。我還有幸認識到澳洲著名女個手 Kate Ceberano (Bey的胞妹) 。她唱得很出色﹗唱得很用心和很感性﹗這晚我玩得很開心﹗這晚的活動當中有一段令人難堪的事情發生。就是Bey叫我獻唱一首 “Eternal Flame” 。我又怎能拒絕新郎哥的要求呢﹖原來我完全沒察覺到Richie竟然將我所唱的歌詞以動作形式‘表現’ 出來﹗我很努力地裝扮看不到他而忍著狂笑。不過當我唱到 “Say my name” 時﹐他便叫出一句Celina。我就像有突發事件般忘記歌詞了。那時我不作提防﹐而這片段亦被上載到youtube了。不過無可否認﹐這是很搞笑的﹗

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sqr_nELdvUc我還很高興可以近Maggie Q (李美琪) 同坐。她真人很靚和很親切。她千里迢迢飛到香港都是想陪Bey和Elizabeth慶祝這大好日子﹗活動

以下是我最近參加的活動。雖然還有很多活動我是有參加過。不過我當時沒有帶相機。你該明白的。對我來說﹐影相是一件很困難的事。一來﹐我經常是帶著小袋來的。二﹐這樣隨便影相很令人尷尬的。三﹐我通常都是被一群跟我傾得埋的朋友圍住。我亦很樂意跟它們談話﹗我只是忘記了帶出相機而已﹗不要緊的﹗反正最美好的回憶始終是在你的頭腦。說到活動呢﹐我昨晚參加了<天使與魔鬼>的電影首映。我很出奇地喜歡這套電影。我還是覺得原著較為好看。不過我忘記了結局如何美妙。我超愛丹布朗! (很抱歉﹗我又忘了相機。也許BC雜誌影了幾幅吧﹗)

星島日報週年紀念活動Oxbridge 慈善籌款晚會電影<天使與魔鬼>首映  

http://www.lifestyleasia.com/ gallery/angels-and-demons_ 2131/110696..htm


http://www.lifestyleasia.com/ gallery/angels-and-demons_ 2131/110714..htm

 Arrogant Cat

再次要多謝Alivenotdead。多得AnD我才能遇到像Arrogant Cat的超捧贊助商。我以前在倫敦居住的時候會經常由Kings Road走到我家對面的店鋪。我很喜歡它們的品牌。根本是為女性發出女人味而設的﹗它會令你的曲線更顯出﹐也能令到你更有自信地應付任何事﹗有空便去IFC看看吧﹗它們的皮樓不錯的﹗﹗以上的裙是有Arrogant Cat提供的﹗坐游艇

不出海的話又怎能算是去過香港呢﹖我有些朋友請我上游艇裡游泳。我們玩得很開心。我們在下午時份便到南丫島吃海鮮。之後就到赤柱的Mijas餐廳吃晚飯。我們唱很多經典金曲如American Pie, Blowing in the Wind等等。非常好玩啊﹗今年夏季不要錯過租游艇的機會啊﹗租艇只需$3000港幣。如果能集合10個人的話﹐相信大家也能負擔得起。Jillian的畢業典禮




如果你想看我的showreel/個人資料/所拍過電影名單等等﹐我還設下了一個官方網頁給大家欣賞。我是用了新買來的macintosh設計這網頁的。所以大家請多多包涵﹗網址是 http://www.celina-jade.com

還有﹐我為了跟朋友及紛絲聯繫已設下了個人youtube頻道。如果你們有事想問的話便可以問。一有空錄影時﹐我會很樂意為大家解答問題。大家請到廬靖姍官方頻道吧﹗ http://www.youtube.com/user/CELINAJADEvids大家請盡量不要笑我吧﹗對著微型電腦錄影機說話的感覺蠻奇怪。。還有點悶悶的。。。哈哈哈﹗我只是想把接近我的紛絲。如果你們所發表的問題是英語的話﹐我會以英語回答你。如果你用中文發表問題﹐我會以中文回答. :)Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_AO0bq5WlM

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mTAjQIwxRQ



CJ x | John Legend

很感谢alivenotdead的工作人员让我能够亲身为我一直欣赏John Legend在澳门的演出。他真的很捧。唯一最失望的是在场人数少得很。我认为他在亚洲凭着实力和天份可以红起来的。若你们还不认识他﹐不妨留意他吧﹗他嗓子真的很靓﹐唱起来很有灵感。演唱会之后﹐我跟朋友便参加了在Venetian Pool举行的after-party。Reggie不愧为一个好DJ。泳池对面还起了一个舞厅 - 真的很吊喔﹗由于我们错过了尾班船﹐结果要我们留到通宵了。在早上6点钟﹐Cara, Jesper, Yalun和我在赌场裡的茶楼吃点心。老实说呢。。。要我那麽早吃点心﹐以我年纪真的做不了啊﹗不管怎麽说﹐这算是快乐的时光吧﹗ 龙比意的婚礼

龙比意是一位好人。亦是一位很好的已婚男士。﹕) 我真的感到很荣幸能够参与他在五月七日的婚礼。他已正式和另一位同样很好的Elizabeth小姐结婚啦﹗他们很可爱地爱上了对方。Elizabeth仍然很漂亮。Bey仍是那麽紧张和体贴﹐尤其是当他唱出一首 “You Are Always On My Mind” 的那一刻。我还有幸认识到澳洲着名女个手 Kate Ceberano (Bey的胞妹) 。她唱得很出色﹗唱得很用心和很感性﹗这晚我玩得很开心﹗这晚的活动当中有一段令人难堪的事情发生。就是Bey叫我献唱一首 “Eternal Flame” 。我又怎能拒绝新郎哥的要求呢﹖原来我完全没察觉到Richie竟然将我所唱的歌词以动作形式‘表现’ 出来﹗我很努力地装扮看不到他而忍着狂笑。不过当我唱到 “Say my name” 时﹐他便叫出一句Celina。我就像有突发事件般忘记歌词了。那时我不作提防﹐而这片段亦被上载到youtube了。不过无可否认﹐这是很搞笑的﹗

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sqr_nELdvUc我还很高兴可以近Maggie Q (李美琪) 同坐。她真人很靓和很亲切。她千里迢迢飞到香港都是想陪Bey和Elizabeth庆祝这大好日子﹗活动

以下是我最近参加的活动。虽然还有很多活动我是有参加过。不过我当时没有带相机。你该明白的。对我来说﹐影相是一件很困难的事。一来﹐我经常是带着小袋来的。二﹐这样随便影相很令人尴尬的。三﹐我通常都是被一群跟我倾得埋的朋友围住。我亦很乐意跟它们谈话﹗我只是忘记了带出相机而已﹗不要紧的﹗反正最美好的回忆始终是在你的头脑。说到活动呢﹐我昨晚参加了<天使与魔鬼>的电影首映。我很出奇地喜欢这套电影。我还是觉得原着较为好看。不过我忘记了结局如何美妙。我超爱丹布朗! (很抱歉﹗我又忘了相机。也许BC杂志影了几幅吧﹗)

星岛日报週年纪念活动Oxbridge 慈善筹款晚会电影<天使与魔鬼>首映   http://www.lifestyleasia.com/ gallery/angels-and-demons_ 2131/110696..htm   http://www.lifestyleasia.com/ gallery/angels-and-demons_ 2131/110714..htm  Arrogant Cat

再次要多谢Alivenotdead。多得AnD我才能遇到像Arrogant Cat的超捧赞助商。我以前在伦敦居住的时候会经常由Kings Road走到我家对面的店铺。我很喜欢它们的品牌。根本是为女性发出女人味而设的﹗它会令你的曲线更显出﹐也能令到你更有自信地应付任何事﹗有空便去IFC看看吧﹗它们的皮楼不错的﹗﹗以上的裙是有Arrogant Cat提供的﹗坐游艇

不出海的话又怎能算是去过香港呢﹖我有些朋友请我上游艇裡游泳。我们玩得很开心。我们在下午时份便到南丫岛吃海鲜。之后就到赤柱的Mijas餐厅吃晚饭。我们唱很多经典金曲如American Pie, Blowing in the Wind等等。非常好玩啊﹗今年夏季不要错过租游艇的机会啊﹗租艇只需$3000港币。如果能集合10个人的话﹐相信大家也能负担得起。Jillian的毕业典礼




如果你想看我的showreel/个人资料/所拍过电影名单等等﹐我还设下了一个官方网页给大家欣赏。我是用了新买来的macintosh设计这网页的。所以大家请多多包涵﹗网址是 http://www.celina-jade.com

还有﹐我为了跟朋友及纷丝联繫已设下了个人youtube频道。如果你们有事想问的话便可以问。一有空录影时﹐我会很乐意为大家解答问题。大家请到庐靖姗官方频道吧﹗ http://www.youtube.com/user/CELINAJADEvids大家请尽量不要笑我吧﹗对着微型电脑录影机说话的感觉蛮奇怪。。还有点闷闷的。。。哈哈哈﹗我只是想把接近我的纷丝。如果你们所发表的问题是英语的话﹐我会以英语回答你。如果你用中文发表问题﹐我会以中文回答. :)Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_AO0bq5WlM

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mTAjQIwxRQ



CJ x

15 年多 前 0 赞s  11 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
btw, for future reference: (please pardon while i put my nerd webmaster hat on) - you can split these up into separate blogs and string them out one every few days for a week or two. its optimum for getting views and comments. ;-)
15 年多 ago
Photo 465623
wow! translating this blog into chinese is gonna.........be a real test to my linguistic skills in chinese.. haha! and translation of ur official site bio is going underway. i've only done like 2-3 paragraphs of it!!
15 年多 ago
Photo 465623
whoops~! forgot that i'm logged under my friend's account. he's an up-and-coming R&amp;B artist himself. check him out when ya got the time! peace! tinlunlau
15 年多 ago
Jasontobin 82 jasontobin
You've been busy!! And that video was hilarious!!
15 年多 ago
Photo 445639
haha brilliant eternal flame! =) nice voice!
15 年多 ago



Hong Kong
May 13, 2008