又開始收拾行李了, 這次是冬末春初的澳洲...
離開澳洲才兩個月, 其實也就是相當於回家罷, 不過還是滿期待的, 因為這次可以透過鏡頭看這片熟悉的土地. 也許會有發現新大陸的感覺.
真的應該把職業改成專業旅行者了 - 專業吃專業走專業玩... 理想生活!
I am packing again. Destination Australia.
It hasn't been a long time since I left Sydney. It was only two months ago I was a latte sipping chick relaxing in an Italian cafe on Stanley Street in Darlinghurst. I am actually quite looking forward to going back to that part of the world. And this time, with my lense!
I wonder what I would discover through my camera lense. A brand new world maybe?
I should seriously consider changing my job title to "professional traveller". I can really get spoiled!
又开始收拾行李了, 这次是冬末春初的澳洲...
离开澳洲才两个月, 其实也就是相当於回家罢, 不过还是满期待的, 因为这次可以透过镜头看这片熟悉的土地. 也许会有发现新大陆的感觉.
真的应该把职业改成专业旅行者了 - 专业吃专业走专业玩... 理想生活!
戀愛是氧氣, 是最奢侈的保養品, 無法用錢買到的灌溉也最珍稀. On ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.