Felix from Hip Hop 2 china invited our crew to the Black Box @ Muse party, lots of drinks and some live tongue from rapper Young-Cee and singer Li-Tong. it was happening. here is the event poster and some shots form the part, taken by good people at the city moments~
嘻哈在中国(这样翻会不会被打) 的 Felix, 邀我们一群人去 上海 Muse参加他们BLACK BOX办的派对. 就一群人都去了, 酒很多 人也很多, 饶舌表演 也不差, 完毕, city moments 拍的照片借来给大家看看.
This is Money welcome to my world of silliness~ 胡搞是一种态度啦,耍白痴更是一种精神~ http://www.studiorice.com http://www.moko.cc/charliechien/ http://t.sina.com.cn/charlie