Seeing that everyone is posting their beloved dog's pictures on their blog, I thought I would share my dog's picture with yall. This is "Sho Sho", he's in Vancouver, and he has taken over the control of my house, and uses my mother as his personal slave... Sho Sho is evil.
看到大家都把自己可爱的狗狗照片贴上博客. 我也来晒下俺家自私自利,无理取闹,目中无人,叛逆自大的恶魔 "咻咻". 此狗目前在加拿大已经占据了我家然后将我妈当奴隶使唤....
人要流行 狗要潮 输人输阵不输面
讲究风格 我们不但要美式嘻哈 偶而也来点日式古着凤
哭夭! 什么叫你只有糖发 热狗肠是不会准备喔? 没大脑喔 给我小心点#
正常狗食是鸟都不鸟的 除非你排的很有创意, 可能会激起进食的欲望
当然也不是百分之百成功 要是不爽 照样不鸟....
睡觉时 像天使 但是其实只是假象 还是少惹为妙
自命不凡的机车狗 当然连睡相也比较与众不同
This is Money welcome to my world of silliness~ 胡搞是一种态度啦,耍白痴更是一种精神~