過去的一年裡,多少有得罪大家的地方,但是請大家相信: In last year, more or less I am sure will do something displease you, hope you all will believe that :
我還是溫柔的,請不要生我的氣! I am still soft & gentle, please don’t feel angry
因為有時間迫不得已,火燒屁股的時候,難免脾氣不好! Sometimes being forced by time, when buttock get fire is very hard to control the bad temper.
因此請大家消消火, Therefore, please cool down,
拿出大俠風範,別計較嘛!! Be gentleman, don’t so calculative 過年了,New Year already,
不論是趕著結婚! Whether you are rushing for marriage
返鄉回家! Go going back to home town
到處兜風! move around!
或外出旅遊,都真心希望大家開心!! Or traveling, I wish all of you…. from the bottom of my heart….. I hope every one happy !
別忘了偶而也來我信箱灌灌水! Don’t forget to e-mail me sometimes when you free.
祝福大家在新的一年裡百尺竿頭!! Wishing everyone, in this New Year“Hundred Foot Pole Head”
財源廣進!! Big wave of Wealth come to you.
找到真愛!!Able to stick with your true love!! Sincerely wish you all… Happy New Year!!