Quite a month for me personally. Got two songs for others released and plugged, (糖妹演繹的紙鶴,羅啟聰演繹的荔枝山Rocky),Crossroads out officially, and a new official website with a new online shop!
Apart from the new album up there, I've got a few REALLY RARE items too. One more thing, when you check out, use this discount code: gimmemusic, for purchase more than 250HKD you will get 25% off!
7月大日子,除了有兩首曲詞包辦的粵語歌面世(糖妹演繹的紙鶴,羅啟聰演繹的荔枝山Rocky)之外,還有Crossroads正式發行,更有全新官網 + 全新網上商店。
由今天起到7月20日,如果購物滿250HKD就可享有75折優惠,只要在check out時打上 gimmemusic 就可以了,快快告訴身邊的人啦!