Throw back... 2006(?) in Taipei. Now that bass guy in the picture is a father of two, and that guy in the Jason Mars T shirt is now very exited about something... Taipei, it's time. 台北, 等我。
I always loved these girls, and I have been waiting for their music. Jan 18th, Cafe Hillwood, Robynn & Kendy single launch gig, treat yourselves with some good music and two kind souls ?
@kendysuen @robynnyip @robynnandkendy #負攝石 #robynnandkendy Robynn & Kendy
Shot it in San Miguel... doesn't it say 29 + 1 ?! Kearen and Joyce, this is your year. Again!
'還未及著地又要即將再起飛...' May the travel wallet be with you ;)
'已經於音樂蜂預購了Travel Wallet的朋友,你們很快就會收到的了!one thing at a time, we will put a few on the online shop later
Thank you my friends! I'll go ... as far as love goes. See you again some time, hopefully soon!