各位在 www.lyfemusicshop.com 買了東西的朋友,謝謝大家的耐心等待;由於order數量太多,加上我們人手短缺(全民在幫助林二汶宣傳演唱會與新歌Cheers啊??),我們終於在這星期開始,把包裹慢慢寄出。
Something's going on down there...
Come see the world with me! More pictures on Instagram
I'm so glad in between recording sessions and meetings I could go to this small exhibition by one of my idols, miniature artist 田中達也さん.
This is brand / artist crossover done at best! Pricerite, you won my heart?, salute to @tanaka_tatsuya ?? #miniaturecalendar #miniatureexhibit #tanakatatsuya #pricerite