5 days in 5 airports, over a few oceans and continents, several time zones, and a lot of miles, finally can have a good rest.
I can safely say JAL gave me a great experience in this trip in terms of aircrafts and SERVICE. I love the Dassai sake they have on board.
They chose this T for me. Look closer and tell me if I could pull that off ;) 這個 Milk Magazine 的 cover story 很有紀念價值呀!
好cool耶!Thank you Levi's 對音樂蜂的支持。
提提大家,《音樂蜂人園》大部分的獨家優惠已經售罄,剩餘少量門票,透過大會指定網上售票平台 Timable限量發售! 快D上: https://timable.com/event/1085494 音樂蜂一週年音樂會 - 《音樂蜂人園》 日期:2016年4月8日 時間:晚上8時 地點: 旺角麥花臣場館 演出單位:林一峰、林二汶、黃靖、李拾壹、黎曉陽 票價:$580 / $420 2016年4月8日,一起來見證音樂花開
I have to admit, sometimes how it looks does matter. Illy Expresso capsule machine. What a cool thing to start the day. ☕️ #ChetCatchoftheDay #illy #illycoffee
除了剛成功的《音樂蜂人園》,去年《天台音樂祭》是indie band的盛會,今年《本地薑音樂節》是本地年輕古典音樂家的努力成果,他們都是在音樂蜂籌得啟動資金的啊!