Official Artist
Chet Lam
Actor , MC / Show Host , Musician
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Zombie Dust & Oat Meal Stout. It's always nice to be here... @mikkellerbkk

ChetCatchoftheDay #chetlam #mikkeller #林一峰

about 9 years ago 362 likes  0 comment  0 shares

F-I-N-A-L-L-Y, all Crossroads vinyl records were mailed out yesterday! Every vinyl is different, when you get it please take a picture for me ok? Cheers!

終~於~ Crossroads的黑膠版已經全數寄出!!於音樂蜂支持了這項目的朋友,將會於日內收到;對,你看到了:黑膠不一定是黑色的;這也是我為大家準備的小小驚喜,每張的顏色和花紋都是獨一無二的,所以收到的朋友記得拍一張照片,加上#crossroadsvinyl,給我知道你們有的是什麼顏色?

chetlam #林一峰 #crossroads #crossroadsvinyl #黑膠不一定是黑色的 #WalkQuietDreamLoud

about 9 years ago 570 likes  0 comment  7 shares

Thanks Kenji for making this! Repost from @kenji.lam ・・・ 林一峰 X 香港中樂團,檔期所限絶不加場,樓上還有少量靚聲靚位,還有兩個禮拜!


chetlam #林一峰 #香港中樂團 #香港文化中心 #HKCO

about 9 years ago 376 likes  0 comment  4 shares

My own composition meets the HKCO. This is a sampling of the re-arranged theme song from album. From the original version's gregorian chant to live with HKCO's The Last Emperor approach, thanks Yin Ng for the music imagination.




Hong Kong Chinese Orc...Read more

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about 9 years ago 111 likes  0 comment  2 shares

Nezu Museum, 根津美術館 My Tokyo, autumn

Just look up the sky, there you'll have all your answers.

ChetCatchoftheDay #chetlam #林一峰

about 9 years ago 500 likes  0 comment  0 shares

檔期所限,只能演兩場; 尚有樓上極好聲靚位,要快!

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about 9 years ago 115 likes  0 comment  0 shares

I am not kidding, I am really proud to walk around Japan with my Ro bag. They call this one onigiri (飯糰)


robags #林一峰 #chetlam

lasso #onigiri #shumai #ChetCatchoftheDay

about 9 years ago 427 likes  0 comment  2 shares

Their bags are seriously cool. Ro bags, designed by an architect, practical AND stylish, I am proud to walk around Japan with it.

Oh, and yes, it is a HK brand!



robags #林一峰 #chetlam

lasso #onigiri #shumai #ChetCatchoftheDay

about 9 years ago 398 likes  0 comment  4 shares

Hello 横浜

about 9 years ago 796 likes  0 comment  0 shares

New song written for the crossover concert. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Mr. and Mrs. Chan! 為與中樂團crossover特別炮製的新歌,各位朋友,《紅河村》、《雪糕車》前傳...《陳忠漢與趙美鳳》!

作曲/作詞:林一峰 編曲/監製:林一峰/伍卓賢 中樂編曲:伍卓賢 特別鳴謝:香港中樂團

"窿窿窿"衣車 布匹加針線 鄰家女將趙美鳳  戰鬥工廠 每日八小時做到足 玲瓏嬌小武功相當高 裁剪踩腳踏極快速 時髦喇叭褲勁窄 鬆糕鞋不怕焗

收音機日日有好節目 加班未懼上鏈繼續  她想實現很多美夢  就靠衣車啟動更好的生活 要艱辛的一步步來 賺到錢不需鹹魚白菜  讓我踩踩踩踩 踩出個未來

"GUNG GUNG GUNG" engine 有彎不可轉 狂塞上貨落貨位 陳忠漢每日看灰塵路裡飛 喜愛與小巴攝位爭分吋 遊走窄窄鬧市中 難得鬥志未耗分豪不皺眉 

收音機路上有好節目 塞車未懼 掟彎加速  他想實現很多美夢  就靠van仔啟動更好的生活 要艱辛的一步步來 賺到錢不需鹹魚白菜 讓我踩踩踩踩 踩出個未來

忠漢有天行過...Read more

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about 9 years ago 391 likes  0 comment  116 shares


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