Okay so let me start out by saying that...Iv never been to prom. And will most likely never get the chance to go to prom due to my career. And Im fine with that, it's not like I never get the chance to dress up and get my hair and make-up done. But that does not mean that I don't have a huge obsession with the idea of prom. It's a nice little rebellious cherry topper to end high school, and be crazy and do what you want! Im all for being crazy! However, let me make myself clear... when I say "do what you want " I don't mean "wear what you want" ....here are a few examples of some prom dresses that are just...not the greatest. Way to overdone...and how could you dance in that?! Need I say more? Im all about coordinating outfits with your date...but this takes it too far. Stay classy ladies. Stay classy.