Official Artist
Chung Dha Lam
Cinematographer / Camera Operator , Dubbing Artist , Graphic Designer
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$20 DIY Matte box that hold Cokin P filters

Normally a Matte box that can hold filters will cost you at least more than $100, but we are now showing you how to get it one for even less. Watch the video below how I show you all the parts needed and what you need to do to modify the affordable Matte box into a professional matte box that would hold filters too.

Parts list

$15 - Matte Box $2 - Cokin 82mm adapter $1 - Cokin P filter holder


$2 - Cokin hood $15 - Cokin P194 Gelatine holder $20 - Cokin Sets with ND filters

Another tip for when the flags of the Matte box start to get loose and not hold it place is to put super glue in between the joints and keep moving the flags until its fully dry. What will happen is that the glue will seep into the cracks and close the open space and give more grip to keep the flag in place.

over 10 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Rising Cinematographer and Graphic Designer based in Hong Kong and the Netherlands. If you want more info about me look at chungdha.com or google "chungdh

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May 25, 2008