Chung Tsang - my official artist profile
Official Artist
Chung Tsang
Producer , Screenwriter
304,944 views| 206  Posts

About Chung Tsang

Born in HK, moved to US, now back in HK. Heavily involved with the Asian American community in NY and looking to contribute to to the Hong Kong and Chinese community through Art and volunteerism.

Lover of film and film making. Big supporter of Asian filmmakers and Asian performers. Also wrote and produced film/TV/video projects, invested in feature productions and love doing it all. Last year help promoted West 32nd Street at Tribecca, Undoing at 2Boots, and Finishing the Game at IFC.

To help build an Indy film community in NY, I produced and hosted a weekly film screening in NY Chinatown. Hated public speaking, but had to learn to be a host. Very rewarding experience which resulted in a few colleborations between the filmmakers who attended.

Spend lots of time on not for profit projects in the arts, children, elderly and community. I love seeing these project come to life. In life, I define success as what one can give to the world, not what one can take from it.

Can't sit still and can't wait. Loves to travel and experience new things. Easily bored, but always find ways to make life more interesting.

Interesting facts about Chung Tsang

Languages Spoken english, cantonese
Location Hong Kong
Gender male
English Name Chung Tsang
Member Since December 28, 2007
Fans 137
Profile Views 304,944


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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
December 28, 2007