Hangin’ with our buddies and enjoying an awesome IPA ? from the Market Brewing Company after the AC/DC Show ???performance at the Ajax Northern Heat Rib and Craft Beer Festival ?#acdcshow #angusyoung #northernheatribseries #northernheat #marketbrewingcompany #cutrone #cutronemusic #awesomebeer #craftbeer
Hanging with our buddy, Original Kid Rock, at The Trews CD ?release party. ?? #thetrews #cdrelease #cdreleaseparty #cdreleaseshow #cutrone #cutronemusic @itschiefkeith
Excited to be at The Trews invitation-only CD Release Party ? at The Rec Room for their #Civilianaires CD?? #thetrews #therecroom #livemusic #cdrelease #cdreleaseparty #cdreleaseshow #toronto #supportcanadianmusic #supportlivemusic CutroneMusic.com #cutrone #cutronemusic
Tony becomes Angus Young to play lead guitar ? for the AC/DC Show ?? this Saturday Night at Ajax Downs ??#acdc #ajax #northernheat #angusyoung #instamusic #tribute #gibson CutroneMusic@gmail.com #cutrone #cutronemusic @tonycutronemusic @ajaxdowns #acdcfans @gibsonguitar @gibsonguitarcanada
Can you believe these pics are on an edible #starbucks coffee and two cookies? Crazy technology! #edibleselfie #uppercanadamall #newmarket @edibleselfie #tgif
Imagine Bono and Blondie singing duets about social injustice, love, betrayal, mental illness and murder.