dan eady
Actor , Director , Editor (Film) , Producer
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Repost @harmtheshortfilm (@get_repost)

・・・ On Saturday I found out that Harm is a FINALIST in Oz International Film Fest!! To celebrate, here is our official poster, complete with laurels and all, by the very talented Sarah at Triple Threat Creative. We screen tonight at the @alextheatrestk, 7:30pm . Congrats again to @daneady @theothermeg_white @leighscullyofficial @houdinibaby Ronald Smyck and everyone involved!! . . . . .

shortfilm #indyfilm #independentfilmmaking #australianfilm #director #australianindyfilm #australianshortfilm #shortfilmfestival #filmmaking #sydneyfilm #innerwestfilm #alextheatre #alextheatrestk #ozinternationalfilmfestival #oziff #australianindependentfilmfestival #aiff

about 6 years ago 57 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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