演员, 导演
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#50 In The Can!|我的第五十部電影殺青了|我的第五十部电影杀青了|50番目の缶の中で!

I just wrapped my part of "Don't Go Breaking My Heart" (Dan Shen Nan Nu) less than an hour ago here in Suzhou. According to IMDBit's my 50th movie. To be honest, I never would have imagined that I would have the career that I'm having when I set foot in Hong Kong back in 1997 and I've savored every minute of it. Thanks to all my supporters for making that possible and to all the directors who keep giving me work!

Johnnie To, Gong Zai(our props man), Me, Yuan Yuan and scriptwriter Wai Ka Fai at my wrap party. DGBMH was really a fun film to work on. There is a reason why Johnnie To is one of the best directors working in Hong Kong today and it was an absolutely amazing experience watching him work. I was constantly taking mental notes watching him direct and I will defintely be using that knowledge next time I take the director's chair. My co-star Gao Yuan Yuan was an absolute pleasure to work with. Sweet, charming and hard working...who could ask for more? My other co-star Louis Koo and I did not see each other much on this shoot as our characters only cross path once in the film, but again always nice to work with an old friend. Also after having spent almost a week here in Suzhou, I must say it's a really beautifully clean city and is now probably one of my favorite cities in China. (My Grandma is from Suzhou which makes me 1/4 Suzhounese. Biased maybe?) The film still has a couple more weeks to go so I wish them all the best!

What's next for me? Well I need to get through some other work obligations this month and then I'm disappearing for an indefinite amount of time for a well deserved holiday. I have been working non-stop since October 2009 and with Inseparable and DGBMH in the can, I think that's enough output for now.

Good Bye Suzhou!




接下來我的安排是。。。這個月我還有好些個工作任務要完成,接下來我會消失一些日子,到底多久,還沒確定,給自己一個理所應當的假期。從2009 年10 月份到現在,我一直是馬不停蹄地工作,忙於形影不離,還有現在的單身男女,目前來講,是該讓自己休息調整下了。


我的杀青庆祝会:从左往右,依次是:杜琪峰导演,龚在(我们的道具师),我,高圆圆,编剧韦家辉《单身男女》是部很 有意思的电影,杜琪峰作为今天香港不可多得的导演之一,有其充足的理由,而且看他工作,无疑是一种很美妙的经历。在他导戏的时候,我时不时地会往心里记很 多东西,等到下次我当导演,肯定会运用其中。和高圆圆的合作也是相当愉快的事情,她不仅甜美可人,而且勤奋认真……真 的是很优秀的女演员。戏中的另一主演古天乐,我俩在这部戏中的对手戏并不多,好像也只有一次照面,但总的来说,和一位老朋友合作,终归是很开心的事情。在 苏州度过的将近一周时间里,让我深深爱上了这座城市,美丽干净,现在,苏州也是中国我最喜欢的城市之一了(我奶奶就是苏州人,这样说来我也是有1/4苏州血统了,所以这算是偏见吗)。这部电影大概几周时间就会完成,真心祝福他们。

接下来我的安排是。。。这个月我还有好些个工作任务要完成,接下来我会消失一些日子,到底多久,还没确定,给自己一个理所应当的假期。从2009 年10 月份到现在,我一直是马不停蹄地工作,忙于形影不离,还有现在的单身男女,目前来讲,是该让自己休息调整下了。

再见了苏州! |
僕は「単身男女」の僕のパートのクランクアップをここ蘇州で迎えて一時間もしないんだ。IMDBによると、これは僕の50本目の作品になるみたいだね。正直に言うと、1997年に香港に足を踏み入れたばかりのころには、今僕が築きあげたようなキャリアを築くことができるだなんて思わなかったし、僕はこれまで一瞬一瞬を楽しんできた。可能にしてくれた僕のファンの皆さんと、僕と仕事をし続けてくれる監督の皆さんに感謝! さよなら蘇州!

接近 14 年 前 0 赞s  119 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow, for some reason I assumed when I heard you were doing a Johnnie To directed film that it was a crime drama or something. I had no idea it was a romantic comedy.
接近 14 年 ago
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
Congrats and looking forward to many more films to come.
接近 14 年 ago
Johnnylu f9 johnnylu
congrats Dan....enjoy your vaca!
接近 14 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
Congrats on the 50th milestone. 50 films / 13 years = 4 per year on average. Not an easy task. Not so bad compared to the old days though! Andy Lau did 12+ per year for many years in a row back in the late 80's early 90's. I think his record was 16 films in 1989 alone! (plus who knows how many albums and concerts all at the same time).
接近 14 年 ago
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
Working with Johnnie To--working with the best HK has to offer. Congrats. Enjoy your much deserved vacation!
接近 14 年 ago
Photo 80548
Is she Gao Yuanyuan??
接近 14 年 ago
nice ... 期待中...
接近 14 年 ago
Photo 74817
Congratulations! Keep up the good work! :)
接近 14 年 ago



Hong Kong, Hong Kong
July 27, 2005