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Around the World in 13 Days | 13天環遊地球 | 13天环游地球

Been gone on a whirlwind around the globe experience thus the lack of blog time. From HK I flew to Venice for the film festival then to Toronto for their film festival then to La for the Imprint Conference, then up to SF to say hi to my parents then back to HK. Literally around the world in 13days. This is the second time this year I've flown around the world. First time for pleasure this time for work. Although I saw and experienced a lot and met a lot of really cool people...it was damn tiring! Just trying to get over jet lag in each time zone forced me to get back on the coffee drip. Like the photo above however, I shouldn't complain. People yearn to travel the world and probably never leave their neighborhood and here I am doing it twice in one year. Here are some photos:

Had some time off in Venice to go check out the art at the Biennale. The Biennale encompasses Art, Music, Design and Film. I've been to Venice three times for the film festival but this is the first time I had a chance to go over to the other islands and check out the art and design stuff.

I don't own a gun and probably never will but I do like them purely as design pieces. The ultimate melding of form and function. This exhibit celebrated the king of all machine guns the Kalishnikov, otherwise known as the AK-47.

Not sure what this one was all about but it's always cool to see that Bruce Lee is someone of cultural significance in other people's eyes.

This photo still haunts me.

Our film, Blood Brothers, was selected as the closing film of the festival thanks to staunch Chinese film supporter and festival director Marco Muller. Being the closing film has it's drawbacks, mainly because it happens right after the awards ceremony so not much media in attendance. Ang Lee won the Golden Lion for the second time for Lust Caution proving he's really got the skills to pay the bills. I think we can write off The Hulk as an anomaly now.

Liu Ye, Shu Qi, Chang Chen fooling aorund on the red carpet.

After Venice, Chang Chen, Lulu Lee, director Alexi Tan and I headed off to Toronto while Liu Ye and Shu Qi went back home. Our first day in Toronto was a free day so Chang Chen and I took a side trip to see Niagra Falls. Watching Chang Chen stare off into the falls made me think of Happy Together. Life imitates art. Weird.

In the world of lawn mowing, this has to be one of most sought after gigs in the world.

The Toronto screening was awesome actually I should say the Toronto crowd was awesome. Thanks for all the love! Respect to T-town!

Next morning I was off on my own to LA for the GR sponsored Imprint Conference. I arrived just in time for my panel discussion. Met tons of cool people, Jeff Staple, John Jay, Ben Hundreds, and reconnected with other old friends, Eric, Martin, Dan the Automator, Aly. So many talented individuals in one place could only be orchestrated by the one and only Giant Robot crew!

Afterwards we hit the legendary secret LA beef spot. I had heard about this place from Dan and Eric and it definitely lived up to it's legend. "The best tounge I've ever had!" exclaimed the excited foodie, Dan The Automator. I must agree, the best cuts of beef I've ever had in my life.

Eric Nakamura, Me, Dan The Automator, Jeff Staple. No, the beef spot was not a McDonald's.

The next day I hit the Barry McGee show and I must say it was pretty amazing. The sheer size of the exhibit and volume of pieces shocked me. Barry is a stud!

I've never seen so many hipsters in one place but I'm so glad I decided to stay in LA one day longer for this show. It really, truly was amazing!

This sign reminded me of when I was in highschool and I spent the whole night hiding in the bushes across the street shooting out the G of the Stuart Anderson's Black Angus sign with a bb gun. After LA, I headed up to SF to catch up on sleep and see my parents before heading back to HK. Around the World in 13 Days, business and pleasure in perfect harmony!


象旋風般環繞地球,所以最近沒時間寫博客。我從香港飛到威尼斯參加電影節,接著是多倫多電影節,之後到洛杉磯參加Imprint Conference,再去三藩看我父母,最後回香港。真的是13天環遊地球。這是今年第二次繞著地球轉了,第一次是玩,這次是為了工作。我看到和經歷了很多,遇見了很多很酷的人…非常非常累!我不斷喝咖啡想要克服時差。就象上面照片說的,我不該抱怨。人們都渴望環球旅行,但也許永遠都無法成行,我卻在一年內做了兩次。看照片:





 我們的電影《天堂口》被選為電影節的閉幕影片,在此要感謝堅定支持中國電影的人們以及本屆電影節主席Marco Muller。做閉幕影片也有缺點,在頒獎典禮之後放映,已經沒有那麽多媒體出席。李安憑借《色戒》第二次獲得金獅獎,再次證明了他的實力。現在可以把《綠巨人》的不如意拋之腦後了。





 第二天早上我獨自飛往洛杉磯參加GR的Imprint Conference。剛好在我的小組討論時趕到。結識了不少很酷的人:Jeff Staple、John Jay、Ben Hundreds,跟老朋友Eric、Martin、Dan the Automator、Aly又見面了。只有Giant Robot才能讓這麽多才華橫溢的人齊聚一堂!

 然後我們到了傳說中神秘的洛杉磯牛排館,Dan和Eric跟我說起過這裏的傳奇。”這是我吃過最美味的!”老饕Dan The Automator興奮到大叫。我同意,這的確是我吃過最棒的牛肉。

Eric Nakamura、我、Dan The Automator、Jeff Staple。不,我們去的牛排館不是麥當勞。

 第二天我去看了Barry McGee的秀,令人贊嘆的展覽。展品的規模和數量讓我震驚,Barry很厲害!


 這個招牌讓我回憶起高中時整個晚上都藏在街對面的樹叢裏,用一把bb槍試圖打到Stuart Anderson的Black Angus饭店招牌中的”G”。我從洛杉磯飛到三藩補覺,在回香港前跟父母見了面。13天內環繞地球一圈,極好的工作、私人融洽之旅!

 |象旋风般环绕地球,所以最近没时间写博客。我从香港飞到威尼斯参加电影节,接着是多伦多电影节,之后到洛杉矶参加Imprint Conference,再去三藩看我父母,最后回香港。真的是13天环游地球。这是今年第二次绕着地球转了,第一次是玩,这次是为了工作。我看到和经历了很多,遇见了很多很酷的人…非常非常累!我不断喝咖啡想要克服时差。就象上面照片说的,我不该抱怨。人们都渴望环球旅行,但也许永远都无法成行,我却在一年内做了两次。看照片:





 我们的电影《天堂口》被选为电影节的闭幕影片,在此要感谢坚定支持中国电影的人们以及本届电影节主席Marco Muller。做闭幕影片也有缺点,在颁奖典礼之后放映,已经没有那么多媒体出席。李安凭借《色戒》第二次获得金狮奖,再次证明了他的实力。现在可以把《绿巨人》的不如意抛之脑后了。





 第二天早上我独自飞往洛杉矶参加GR的Imprint Conference。刚好在我的小组讨论时赶到。结识了不少很酷的人:Jeff Staple、John Jay、Ben Hundreds,跟老朋友Eric、Martin、Dan the Automator、Aly又见面了。只有Giant Robot才能让这么多才华横溢的人齐聚一堂!

 然后我们到了传说中神秘的洛杉矶牛排馆,Dan和Eric跟我说起过这里的传奇。”这是我吃过最美味的!”老饕Dan The Automator兴奋到大叫。我同意,这的确是我吃过最棒的牛肉。

Eric Nakamura、我、Dan The Automator、Jeff Staple。不,我们去的牛排馆不是麦当劳。

 第二天我去看了Barry McGee的秀,令人赞叹的展览。展品的规模和数量让我震惊,Barry很厉害!


这个招牌让我回忆起高中时整个晚上都藏在街对面的树丛里,用一把bb枪试图打到Stuart Anderson的Black Angus饭店招牌中的”G”。我从洛杉矶飞到三藩补觉,在回香港前跟父母见了面。13天内环绕地球一圈,极好的工作、私人融洽之旅!

17 年多 前 0 赞s  100 评论s  0 shares
Photo 22991
Very cool, glad u have enjoyed yourself...Nice candid shot of the Blood Bro Cast. Awesome waterfall~
17 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow, great shit man!
17 年多 ago
Paulinec 1a img 1269
awesome that you managed so many cool places in a matter of days.. dead tiring i bet....but worth it...good mix of work and play...where was the Barry Mcgee exhibit??thanks for sharing!
17 年多 ago
i guess u're not divulging the secret beef place then.:)
大约 17 年 ago



Hong Kong, Hong Kong
July 27, 2005