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Gong Xi Fa Cai!!! | 恭喜發財!!! | 恭喜发财!!!

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifyly1pLQYkHope the Rat year is filled with lots of cheese for you. Spent the Chinese New Year in Beijing hanging out with Cousin Martin and some old friends. On New Year's eve, we went out to a friends house in the out skirts of Beijing, very close to where I shot The Banquet. We went out on the frozen river to shoot off fireworks. I didn't know you could buy fireworks this big. It was insane. Since we were a bunch of naughty guys, there was no order to lighting them off. Midnight came and everyone went crazy. There were so many going off at once it felt like a war or something. Now that I think about it, it was kind of dangerous, but when the hell are fireworks ever safe. Anyway, it was a fun and exciting ten minutes of chaos and I'm happy to have made it out alive and with all my fingers. Check out the video I shot above.

Also went to check out the famous "Bird's Nest" Olympic stadium as well as the Aquatics building. Pretty amazing and beautiful structures. Didn't get a shot of the Aquatics building because they shut down the lights just as I was getting my camera. But I must say it looks awesome as a giant glowing blue block at night.

|Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifyly1pLQYk

 恭祝各位鼠年發財。農歷春節我在北京跟表弟Martin和老友們一起慶祝。除夕夜我們到北京外環的一位朋友家,離我拍《夜宴》的地方非常近。我們在一條結了冰的河上放煙花,竟然可以買這麼大的煙花,真是瘋狂。我們是一群頑皮的家夥,燃放煙花毫無秩序,午夜到來時,大家都瘋了,一下子好多煙花盛放,就象在打仗。現在回想起來其實挺危險,謝天謝地煙花還算安全。總之那十分鐘相當有趣、興奮和混亂,我很開心順利點燃了煙花,十指保全。看我拍的視頻。   我們還去參觀了奧運會體育場館,著名的”鳥巢”和”水立方”,真是令人驚嘆,漂亮的結構。沒有拍到”水立方”,因為我剛要拿出相機時他們把燈都關了。但我要說它很美,晚上看就是一個巨大的藍色發光體。Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifyly1pLQYk

| 恭祝各位鼠年发财。农历春节我在北京跟表弟Martin和老友们一起庆祝。除夕夜我们到北京外环的一位朋友家,离我拍《夜宴》的地方非常近。我们在一条结了冰的河上放烟花,竟然可以买这么大的烟花,真是疯狂。我们是一群顽皮的家伙,燃放烟花毫无秩序,午夜到来时,大家都疯了,一下子好多烟花盛放,就象在打仗。现在回想起来其实挺危险,谢天谢地烟花还算安全。总之那十分钟相当有趣、兴奋和混乱,我很开心顺利点燃了烟花,十指保全。看我拍的视频。


大约 16 年 前 0 赞s  76 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow, thats pretty crazy for 'non-professional' fireworks...
大约 16 年 ago
Photo 22991
Long time no hear from you...i love fireworks, shot with my camera video once of National Day. Happy V-day and CNY~! Cheers
大约 16 年 ago



Hong Kong, Hong Kong
July 27, 2005