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Gave a talk at my high school, Head Royce, last week. My old English and Japanese lit teacher Barry Barankin somehow found me through the SF Asian American Film Festival people and invited to me to talk about how I got where I am today. It was cool seeing all my teachers from way back when( I graduated class of '92) and to see they were still inspiring students and still looked pretty much the same. The talk was fun and the students had a lot of great questions. There were a lot more Asian kids than when I was there and some of the students even did wushu. When I was in high school, I was the only one who did any martial arts!

From left: Jeff Key my art teacher, Johnny Wang my classmate and buddy, My Mom, Me and Barry Barakin. Jeff and Barry took me and several students to Japan for a summer class trip back in 1990. It was my first time to Japan and I loved it, which is probably why I went back to study in college and have been back dozens of times since, When I was working on Shinjuku Incident, I couldn't help but think of the great times we had 18 years ago! Teachers are important people in this world and these guys definitely influenced me heavily.

| 上周在我的高中母校Head Royce作了個演講。我的英語和日語 文學老師Barry Barankin從參加舊金山國際亞裔電影節的人群中發現了我,並邀請我到學校談談心路歷程。能見到舊日的老師真是很開心(我92年畢業),他們跟以前一樣還在鼓勵學生,樣子一點也沒變。座談很有趣,學生們也提了很多很棒的問題。現在有更多亞洲學生,還有一些學生學習武術。我在高中時代可是唯一一個會武術的學生! 從左邊:Jeff Key我的藝術老師、Johnny Wang我同學兼好友、我媽媽、我和Barry Barakin。1990年,Jeff和Barry帶著我和幾個學生到日本參加一個暑期班。那是我第一次到日本,我很愛那次旅程,這可能是我回到大學繼續學習的原因,我也很多次回到那兒。拍攝《新宿事件》時,我還忍不住回想起18年前的美好時光!這世上最重要的人是老師,他們對我的一生影響真的很深。

| 上周在我的高中母校Head Royce作了个演讲。我的英语和日语 文学老师Barry Barankin从参加旧金山国际亚裔电影节的人群中发现了我,并邀请我到学校谈谈心路历程。能见到旧日的老师真是很开心(我92年毕业),他们跟以前一样还在鼓励学生,样子一点也没变。座谈很有趣,学生们也提了很多很棒的问题。现在有更多亚洲学生,还有一些学生学习武术。我在高中时代可是唯一一个会武术的学生! 从左边:Jeff Key我的艺术老师、Johnny Wang我同学兼好友、我妈妈、我和Barry Barakin。1990年,Jeff和Barry带着我和几个学生到日本参加一个暑期班。那是我第一次到日本,我很爱那次旅程,这可能是我回到大学继续学习的原因,我也很多次回到那儿。拍摄《新宿事件》时,我还忍不住回想起18年前的美好时光!这世上最重要的人是老师,他们对我的一生影响真的很深。

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  33 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
great blog! i'm sure they're quite proud of how you turned out.... you and the Counting Crows guy!
接近 17 年 ago



Hong Kong, Hong Kong
July 27, 2005