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Homage to the BMW 2002 | 尊崇2002號寶馬 | 尊崇2002号宝马

Video: http://vimeo.com/26410231http://v.youku.com/vshow/idXMjkwMTQxMDI4.htmlWhen I was in high school, three of my closest friends had the BMW 2002. I wanted one too but my Dad was afraid that an old car wouldn't be safe so I got a '84 318i instead. Although it was newer than my friends' cars, I was jealous because the 2002 was just so much cooler. I remember spending countless hours with my friends fixing them up with new exhaust pipes, shocks, springs, sway bars etc. Although my 318 is long gone, those guys still have their 2002's. This video is a true story about a man and his 2002. Beautifully shot and edited it really gives you insight on a man's love affair with his car. |Video: http://vimeo.com/26410231http://v.youku.com/vshow/idXMjkwMTQxMDI4.html當我在高中,三個我最親密的朋友們也有 2002號的寶馬。我都想要一個,但我的爸爸怕老車會是不安全的,所以我得到了'84 318i代替。雖然它比我朋友的車新,但我還是嫉妒2002號這麼的酷。我記得花了無數時間與我的朋友修復它們與新的排氣管,震动,彈簧, 防傾桿等。雖然我的318是早已不復存在,那些傢伙仍然有其2002號的。這部影片是一個真實的故事關於一個男人和他的2002號。精美的拍攝和編輯,它真的讓你了解一個男人的與他的車戀愛關係。|Video: http://vimeo.com/26410231http://v.youku.com/vshow/idXMjkwMTQxMDI4.html当我在高中,三个我最亲密的朋友们也有 2002号的宝马。我都想要一个,但我的爸爸怕老车会是不安全的,所以我得到了'84 318i代替。虽然它比我朋友的车新,但我还是嫉妒2002号这么的酷。我记得花了无数时间与我的朋友修复它们与新的排气管,震,弹簧, 防倾杆等。虽然我的318是早已不复存在,那些家伙仍然有其2002号的。这部影片是一个真实的故事关於一个男人和他的2002号。精美的拍摄和编辑,它真的让你了解一个男人的与他的车恋爱关系。|Video: http://vimeo.com/26410231http://v.youku.com/vshow/idXMjkwMTQxMDI4.htmlWhen I was in high school, three of my closest friends had the BMW 2002. I wanted one too but my Dad was afraid that an old car wouldn't be safe so I got a '84 318i instead. Although it was newer than my friends' cars, I was jealous because the 2002 was just so much cooler. I remember spending countless hours with my friends fixing them up with new exhaust pipes, shocks, springs, sway bars etc. Although my 318 is long gone, those guys still have their 2002's. This video is a true story about a man and his 2002. Beautifully shot and edited it really gives you insight on a man's love affair with his car.

almost 13 years ago 0 likes  17 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
nicely made video! my passion was late 60's/early 70's Mercedes and VWs... Didn't get into BMWs as much although my parents still have their '84 732 Grey Market import.... :-P
almost 13 years ago


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