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Daniel Wu
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Kayaking Sri Panwa | 在普吉岛斯攀瓦划皮艇| 在普吉岛斯攀瓦划皮艇|Kayaking Sri Panwa

It's hard for me to go on holiday and do nothing. The work-a-holic in me can not allow me to just lay down and do nothing. I have to be doing something. Whether it's an adventure or simply reading a book, something has to have my attention. My wife on the other hand, prefers to just relax. She has no problems laying out in the sun for hours. To compromise we chose one activity to do together every time we go on holiday. Since Lisa does not have a diving license, we usually go kayaking and usually we get ourselves into trouble. One time in Australia, we kayaked down the river after being told for sure we would be able to kayak back. Not the case, the current got strong and when we tried to paddle back upstream we got stuck in the same place for over half an hour. A fisherman saw us struggling and towed us back to where we started. Last year in the Maldives, we decided to kayak around the island we were staying on. A storm picked up and we had to deal with big waves slamming up into us.

On a recent trip to Sri Panwa resort in Phuket, Thailand, while hanging out in our infinity pool I noticed a small island about a kilometer away(the left side of picture). I also knew the resort had kayak for use, so I put two and two together and another kayak adventure was born! This time however, it was nothing but smooth sailing. Although it was a long journey, it went smoothly and we got an entire deserted beach to ourselves. The whole trip took 3 hours but it was lots of fun and great exercise too.

That's us half way through our journey. See that little bit of beach on the island? That's where we were headed for. Thanks to head of F&B at Sri Panwa for taking this photo of us and making sure we didn't get into too much trouble! I recently saw a documentary about two boys who kayaked from Syndey, Australia to New Zealand. It took them 62 days to complete the trip. Those kids had serious balls, this three hour trip was good enough for me.I have been going to Phuket for holidays for over ten years now. The friendliness of the Thai people, the beautiful environment and it's close proximity to Hong Kong make it an ideal vacation spot. I've stayed in many places but I think I've just found my favorite spot in Sri Panwa Resort.  |

我去度假很難什麼也不做。我工作 狂的一 面不能 讓我放下 然後什麼也不做。我必須做一些事情。無論它是一個冒險或簡單地看書, 總有些事情要讓我的注意。我的 妻子,另一方面,寧可只是放鬆一 下。她奠定了在陽光下幾個小時 也沒有問題。我們妥協每次去度假,也 要選擇一個活動我們一起來做。由於Lisa沒有潛水執照,我們平時去划船,通常我們總讓自己陷入困境。有一次在澳大利亞,我們順流划下後,被告知要我們確保能夠將皮艇划回來。並非如此,目前得到了強大的,當我們試圖劃回上游,我們 卡住在同一個地方 並停留超過半小時。 漁夫看到了我們奮鬥,牽引我們回到了起點。去年在馬爾代夫,我們決定划皮艇住上環島。風暴拾起,我們不得不 應對當大浪朝向我們 。

在最近訪問在泰國普吉島的普吉攀瓦海度假村,在我們 無窮大的泳池,我注意到一個小島嶼約一公里遠(左邊的圖片)。我也知道 有皮艇使用,所以我把兩者結合,另一個皮艇探險誕生了!而這一次,它一帆風順。雖然這是一個漫長的旅程,它很順利,我們給自己得到了一個整個的荒涼海灘。整個行程歷時 3小時,但它 有很多的樂趣和的極大運動量。

這就是我們的旅程的中途。看到這一點的海灘上島?這就是我們前往的 地方。感謝普吉攀瓦F&B的經理 幫我們拍這一 照片中的我們,確保我們沒有進入太 大的麻煩!我最近看到一部紀錄片關於兩個男孩從 悉尼划皮艇,澳大利亞,新西蘭。花了有62天才能完成的行程。這些孩子有嚴重的泡 ,這三小時的旅程對我來說已經足夠。

我去普吉島的度假已經有十幾年了。在友好的泰國人民,美麗的環境和它鄰近香港,使其成為理想的度假勝地。我 停留在很多地方,但我想我剛剛發現我最喜歡的位置在普吉島的普吉攀瓦海度假村。|

我去度假很难什麽也不做。我工作 狂的一 面不能 让我放下 然后什麽也不做。我必须做一些事情。无论它是一个冒险或简单地看书, 总有些事情要让我的注意。我的 妻子,另一方面,宁可只是放鬆一下。她奠定了在阳光下几个小时 也没有问题。我们妥协每次去度假,也 要选择一个活动我们一起来做。由于Lisa没有潜水执照,我们平时去划船,通常我们总让自己陷入困境。有一次在澳大利亚,我们顺流划下后,被告知要我们确保能够将皮艇划回来。并非如此,目前得到了强大的,当我们试图划回上游,我们 卡住在同一个地方 并停留超过半小时。渔夫看到了我们奋斗,牵引我们回到了起点。去年在马尔代夫,我们决定划皮艇住上环岛。风暴拾起,我们不得不 应对当大浪朝向我们 。

在最近访问在泰国普吉岛的普吉攀瓦海度假村,在我们 无穷大的泳池,我注意到一个小岛屿约一公里远(左边的图片)。我也知道 有皮艇使用,所以我把两者结合,另一个皮艇探险诞生了!而这一次,它一帆风顺。虽然这是一个漫长的旅程,它很顺利,我们给自己得到了一个整个的荒凉海滩。整个行程历时 3小时,但它 有很多的乐趣和的极大运动量。

这就是我们的旅程的中途。看到这一点的海滩上岛?这就是我们前往的 地方。感谢普吉攀瓦F&B的经理 帮我们拍这一 照片中的我们,确保我们没有进入太 大的麻烦!我最近看到一部纪录片关于两个男孩从 悉尼划皮艇,澳大利亚,新西兰。花了有62天才能完成的行程。这些孩子有严重的泡 ,这三小时的旅程对我来说已经足够。

我去普吉岛的度假已经有十几年了。在友好的泰国人民,美丽的环境和它邻近香港,使其成为理想的度假胜地。我 停留在很多地方,但我想我刚刚发现我最喜欢的位置在普吉岛的普吉攀瓦海度假村。|It's hard for me to go on holiday and do nothing. The work-a-holic in me can not allow me to just lay down and do nothing. I have to be doing something. Whether it's an adventure or simply reading a book, something has to have my attention. My wife on the other hand, prefers to just relax. She has no problems laying out in the sun for hours. To compromise we chose one activity to do together every time we go on holiday. Since Lisa does not have a diving license, we usually go kayaking and usually we get ourselves into trouble. One time in Australia, we kayaked down the river after being told for sure we would be able to kayak back. Not the case, the current got strong and when we tried to paddle back upstream we got stuck in the same place for over half an hour. A fisherman saw us struggling and towed us back to where we started. Last year in the Maldives, we decided to kayak around the island we were staying on. A storm picked up and we had to deal with big waves slamming up into us. On a recent trip to Sri Panwa resort in Phuket, Thailand, while hanging out in our infinity pool I noticed a small island about a kilometer away(the left side of picture). I also knew the resort had kayak for use, so I put two and two together and another kayak adventure was born! This time however, it was nothing but smooth sailing. Although it was a long journey, it went smoothly and we got an entire deserted beach to ourselves. The whole trip took 3 hours but it was lots of fun and great exercise too. That's us half way through our journey. See that little bit of beach on the island? That's where we were headed for. Thanks to head of F&B at Sri Panwa for taking this photo of us and making sure we didn't get into too much trouble! I recently saw a documentary about two boys who kayaked from Syndey, Australia to New Zealand. It took them 62 days to complete the trip. Those kids had serious balls, this three hour trip was good enough for me.I have been going to Phuket for holidays for over ten years now. The friendliness of the Thai people, the beautiful environment and it's close proximity to Hong Kong make it an ideal vacation spot. I've stayed in many places but I think I've just found my favorite spot in Sri Panwa Resort. 

almost 13 years ago 0 likes  46 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
Looks good! I've only done Bangkok, never Phuket. So, would they come get you if you got stuck out there?
almost 13 years ago
Elena dd unset 18
wao, so beautiful
almost 13 years ago
Photo 80548
Daniel, you got a holiday at last! Hope you had a good filming experience with Lu Chuan! It's a great pic, though...:-)
almost 13 years ago


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