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Mamello and Phelisanong|Mamello和Phelisanong|Mamello和Phelisanong|マメローとフェリサノン

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVLrIVz8ApE&feature=player_embedded http://v.youku.com/vshow/idXMjI1OTI1NTgw.html

The last time I was in South Africa for my wedding I met A couple Gary and Andrea who were also married by Monica the Sangoma. They were very interested in why we wanted to be married by Monica as not many people went though that ceremony with her. As we got to know them we found that they were actually doing volunteer work in Lesotho, which is a small country within the country of South Africa. They were working in a village called Phelisanong where a woman named Mamello had set up a place for physically and mentally handicapped children. In rural Africa, people with disabilities are often seen as a burden or useless to their families and communities and are often abandoned. Mamello being physically handicapped herself wanted to make a place where these people would be welcomed and cared for with open arms. In the few short years that she has been doing this she has built a large self sustaining community and has even grown to help people with HIV/AIDS, one of Africa's biggest problems. It really is amazing what her will has enabled her to do. With all the odds against her she persevered and created this place of happiness for kids who really didn't have a place or a future. Now they do. Mamello inspires me, I hope she inspires you too. Thanks to Gary and Andrea for making this film and documenting the amazing things that she has done. Next time I'm in South Africa, I will defintely pay Mamello and the children of Phelisanong a visit.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDXLJOYuHsg&feature=player_embedded http://v.youku.com/vshow/idXMjI1ODg1NDU2.html

Christopher and Michael are two boys that have benefited from what Mamello has done. It's amazing to me that these boys with cerebral palsy have learned everything they know about the world from the internet and television and have probably very rarely ever left the rural area of which they are from. I am also glad to see that they realize a Lamborghini in Lesotho would not be that entirely practical.


Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVLrIVz8ApE&feature=player_embedded http://v.youku.com/vshow/idXMjI1OTI1NTgw.html


Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDXLJOYuHsg&feature=player_embedded http://v.youku.com/vshow/idXMjI1ODg1NDU2.html


Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVLrIVz8ApE&feature=player_embedded http://v.youku.com/vshow/idXMjI1OTI1NTgw.html


Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDXLJOYuHsg&feature=player_embedded http://v.youku.com/vshow/idXMjI1ODg1NDU2.html


Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVLrIVz8ApE&feature=player_embedded http://v.youku.com/vshow/idXMjI1OTI1NTgw.html

前回僕が南アフリカに僕自身の結婚式で訪れた際に、ゲイリーとアンドレアといって、僕らと同様にサンゴマのモニカに結婚式をしてもらったカップルと知り 合ったんだ。モニカに挙式してもらおうとする人は多くないから、二人はどうして僕らがモニカに結婚式をしてもらいたがってるのかにひどく興味をもったよう だよ。彼らと知り合った後に知ったんだけど、二人はレソトといって、南アフリカ共和国内にある小さな国でボランティアをしているんだ。二人が働いているの は、マメローという女性が身体・精神障害のある子供たちのために作った、フェリサノンと呼ばれる村で働いているんだ。アフリカの農村においては、障害のあ る人たちがいじめられたり、役立たずとして自身の家族やコミュニティから無視されることがよくあるんだ。マメロー自身も身体障害がある人で、障害のある人 たちに手を差し伸べて、温かく迎えてお世話をしてあげられるような場所を作りたかったんだよ。ごくわずかな年数で、マメローは大きな自立したコミュニティ を築きあげ、それだけでなくアフリカ大陸の最も大きな問題の一つであるエイズ感染者を支援するまでにしたんだ。このマメローに成し遂げさせた意思の力は偉 大だね。居場所も将来もない子供たちの幸福のためにこの場所を作り、維持することなんてできっこないと言われていたけれど、今ではマメローたちは実現した んだよ。マメローは僕を刺激し、君たちも刺激を受けたならいいと思うんだ。このフィルムを作り、マメローの行った偉大な事業について記録してくれたゲイ リーとアンドレアに感謝するよ。次回南アフリカに行くときには、マメローとフェリサノンの子供たちを訪れようと決意したんだ。

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDXLJOYuHsg&feature=player_embedded http://v.youku.com/vshow/idXMjI1ODg1NDU2.html

クリストファーとミカエルの二人の少年はマメローの事業から恩恵を受けてきたんだ。この子たちは脳性麻痺の障害があるのだけど、毎日のように学習し、イン ターネットとテレビを通じて世界の出来事を知ってるんだよ。おそらくこの子たちの出身地ではネットもテレビもおそらくきわめてまれだと思うんだよ。 僕は、あの子たちがランボルギーニがレソトにあっても全く役に立たないと知ることができてうれしいよ。

13 年多 前 0 赞s  24 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow, 70 kids! 70 baths a day, 210 meals a day... that's a big enterprise!
13 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
its quite daunting, they start with disabled children, then include orphans, then tackle AIDS... for most people it would be too overwhelming. Very impressive that they can give so much.
13 年多 ago
Maestro, the world doesn't necessarily need heroes, although Mamello is a hero to me, we just need more people to be brave enough to do the right thing. It doesn't have to be big it can be little. Little raindrops can create a pond, a lake and eventually an ocean. Especially when everyone is doing the right thing.
13 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
btw, bit in the same vein - http://innovations.coe.berkeley.edu/vol4-issue10-dec10/dewaal
13 年多 ago



Hong Kong, Hong Kong
July 27, 2005