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Revolution Talent Management|星革盟有限公司|星革盟有限公司|Revolution Talent Management

I have my hands in many endeavors but I have never really spoken of them publicly mainly because I wanted the businesses to grow organically on their own rather than on the strength of my name. What I've realized however, is people find out anyway and make their own guesses which then causes confusion. So I'm going to attempt to break things down clearly here. Today I'm talking about REVOLUTION TALENT MANAGEMENT(RTM). This is my management company that I started about 3 years ago after Willie Chan and Jackie Chan's management company closed down. I was with them for 11 or 12 years and didn't want to leave but circumstances forced the occasion and the idea to start my own management company began. Revolution Talent Management is lead by me but run by my great and wonderful staff, mainly Teresa Lock, who has been my personal manager since I began my career, and Lorna Chan. The artistes that we manage are my friends and buddies that I have known for years. Here they are and what we've done for them.

ACTORS Terence Yin has been my best friend in Hong Kong since I first arrived. We met on a photo shoot that starred Karen Mok (we were just the extras in the background) and then later worked on out first movie together, Bishonen. We were both with JC Group (Jackie'Chan's Management company) form the beginning. Terence has made a career for himself playing the baddies in movies as well as putting a lot of effort to start this website AnD. His real passion and talent however, is singing. He is a tremendous talent that now one really knew about until recently. An attempt at a singing career went sour back in 1999/2000 and Terence never really went back to it until I started RTM. Once the company was up and running I immediately set to work on making a situation where Terence could have the opportunity to sing again. 'Transparent', his upcoming album, is the product of a lot of hard work at RTM. We joined forces with talented Jun Kung and Dan The Automator Nakamura (Gorillaz, Kasabian) and created this wonderful album.

The CD launch party is Nov 25th. Don't miss it. I'm so proud of Terence and the way this album turned out. If you like REAL music, you'll like this album.

Andrew Lin was my boyband partner in ALIVE but also a fellow artist with the JC Group. We first met while working on 2000A.D. many years ago and have been good friends ever since. Andrew has recently started a Special Effects Make-Up school and studio in Beijing. He is a tremendously talented artist and sculptor and does great work for movies like Josie Ho's Dream Home. His company has been doing work for the double header film I'm producing with Stephen Fung called Tai Chi Zero and Tai Chi Hero. For my role in the film I had to go through 3 hours of make-up every day!

Ken Wong, Hong Kong windsurfing legend and actor. I have known Ken since the beginning as well. I remember visiting him on set of his first movie Slow Fade. We later worked together on one of my favorite films, 'One Night in Mongkok', Ken was also a former artiste of the JC Group and continues to teach windsurfing at his windsurfing center in Stanley.

MIchael Wong will always be the ultimate SDU man. I've known Michael since I first came to Hong Kong. We used to run into each other all the time at the gym and he was also a member of the JC Group. He was also good friends with my sister when they were youngsters back in the days. He's also a great jazz singer as well.

Grace Huang is an actress I met a few years ago while taking part in one of Jeanne Hartman's acting workshops a few years ago. She's an Australian Chinese who began modeling in Taiwan and Hong Kong but is also a really talented actress. She played my fiance in 'Overheard 2' and not long after that we signed her to RTM. You may have noticed her in my L'Oreal commercials as well as Terence's new MV. She recently won best actress in the LA Hollyshorts Film Festival for her role in Bloodtraffic. She also has a really cool fight scene in the upcoming Kung Fu drama The Man With The Iron Fists directed by Wu-Tang Clan star The RZA. Her future is looking bright!

MUSIC Jun and I began in the business at around the same time. I remember hearing about this Macanese boy back from school in San Francisco and when I saw him with long dreadlocks, I knew this kid was cool. I later got to know him around 2000/2001 and realized we had a lot in common. Jun is a force unmatched in the music industry. He specialty is the drums and plays for Eason Chan, Sandy Lam, Faye Wong, Khalil Fong amongst others. Not only can he beat the drums he can pretty much play any other instrument as well. His singing is full with a kind of soul that is rare amongst his peers in Hong Kong or the region for that matter. Jun has also appeared in many films as well and is starting to make his name as a highly entertaining character actor. Last year we released his first solo CD in 10 years 'Man In The Moon.' This highly anticipated album rocked the charts on it's release which was popular amongst old and new fans alike.

The legendary 24 HERBS consist of (from left to right) Kit Chan, Brian Siswojo, Eddie Chung, Phat Chan, Brandon Ho and Conroy Chan.

Kit and Phat, formerly of LMF, represent the Chinese while Brandon, Brain and Conroy represent the English in this Chinese/English hip hop group. The group has a very unique sound in Hong Kong's Hip Hop world and currently claim the top spot in the scene. The latest album release 'Bring It On' was a huge success and was a proud achievement not only for them but also for the RTM team. The boys are also individually getting roles in movies as well.

So this is the Revolution Talent Management squad. These are my boys and girls that I have a vested interest in and will continue to support and foster their careers. Hope all is clear and understandable now. |

我在其他許多領域進行努力嘗試,但我卻從未公開談及它們,主要原因是因為我希望這些事務能夠靠自己系統地得以發展,而不要靠我的名望。然而,我發現無論如何人們還是會發覺並加以自己的猜想,這樣反而引發混淆。所以我要試著在這兒打開天窗說亮話。今天我就來說說星革盟有限公司(RTM)。大約三年前,陳自強和成龍的經紀公司停業了後,我成立了這家經紀公司。我在他們公司已經有十一、二年了,並不願離開,然而當時是境遇所迫,也促使我產生了自己開辦經紀公司的念頭。星革盟有限公司由我統領,但由我們優異的職員所管理,特別要提到的有:Teresa Lock,她從我剛開始演藝事業時就是我本人的經紀人;還有Lorna Chan。我們所管理的藝術家們都是我的朋友以及認識多年的夥伴。下面就來介紹一下他們,以及“星革盟”為他們所做的事。演員尹子維從我剛到香港時起就是我最好的朋友。我們是在莫文蔚的拍攝會上認識的(我們倆只是背景裏的配件),後來又一起演出我們合作的首部電影《美少年之戀》。我們倆一開始都是在JC Group旗下。子維自己已經開創了一番事業,他在創辦這個AnD網站中付出了極大努力,也因他在電影中飾演的一些反派角色而成名。然而,他真正的激情與天賦在於歌唱。他是一個棒級了的天才,這一點直到最近大家才真正意識到。回想辛酸的1999/2000年,子維一度嘗試涉足歌唱事業,但後來直到我開辦了RTM之前都沒再真正復出過。公司成立後一開始運作,我就馬上著手讓子維能有機會再次歌唱。他即將發行的新專輯,《透明》,是RTM付諸許多努力的作品。我們聯手才華橫溢的恭碩良Dan The Automator Nakamura(Gorillaz, Kasabian樂隊制作人),創作了這張精彩的專輯。


連凱原來是我們的男子樂隊ALIVE的成員,也是JC Group的簽約藝員。我們在多年前拍《公元2000》時認識,之後就一直是好朋友。連凱最近在北京開辦了一所特效化妝學校與攝影工作室。他是一個具有極高稟賦的藝術家和雕塑家,能為電影制作很棒的特效,比如何超儀的《維多利亞一號》。他的公司現在為我跟馮德倫出品的雙標題影片《太極拳》上、下集(暫名)負責特效。我在片中所飾角色的化妝,每天都要花費三個小時!

王合喜,香港風帆沖浪運動的傳奇人物,演員。我和合喜也是一開始就認識了。我記得他拍第一部電影《無間旅程》時我去片場拜訪過他。而後,在我最喜歡的影片之一《旺角黑夜》中我們有過合作。合喜原來也是JC Group旗下。現在他繼續在其位於赤柱的風帆運動中心執教。

王敏德永遠都是終極的“飛虎隊”警界精英形象。我剛來香港時就認識Michael了。我們以前老是會在健身館碰到,他以前也是JC Group旗下。在青年時代,他跟我姐還是好朋友。他還是個相當不錯的爵士歌手呢。

黃芝琪是我幾年前參加Jeanne Hartman的一期演藝研討會時認識的女演員。她是澳大利亞籍華人,在台灣和香港開始入行當模特兒,但她也是一位相當有天賦的演員。她在《竊聽風雲》中扮演我的未婚妻。之後不久,我們就將她簽到RTM旗下。你們可能已經在我的歐萊雅廣告片,以及子維的音樂視頻中注意到她了。最近,在洛杉磯Hollyshorts電影節上,她因在Bloodtraffick中所扮演的角色而獲得最佳女演員獎。在即將發行的,由“武當派”導演,RZA主演的功夫片《鐵拳無敵》中,她亦有很酷的動作戲。她看來前途一片光明。音樂 恭碩良和我在差不多相同的時間進入演藝業。我記得在舊金山讀書時就聽說過這個澳門人,而當我看到留著長長的拉斯塔法裏式發綹的他時,我就知道這家夥很酷。後來大約在2000/2001年時我認識了他,而且發現我們有許多相似之處。Jun在音樂領域有無可匹敵的力量。他的專長還有架子鼓,並和其他樂手一起負責陳奕迅, 林憶蓮, 王菲, 方大同等人的伴奏。他不僅能演奏架子鼓,其他樂器幾乎也都能來兩下子。他的歌聲十分飽滿,富於某種靈魂,這在他的香港同輩或同領域的其他人中是極為罕見的。Jun也出演過了多部影片,開始作為一個極其有趣的個性演員而為人所知。去年,我們發行了他十年來的首張獨唱專輯《月球人》。這張萬眾期待的專輯一發行就打進排行榜,深受新、老粉絲喜愛。

傳奇的 廿四味組合(從左至右)由 Kit Leung, Brian Siswojo, Eddie Chung, Phat Chan, Brandon HoConroy Chan組成。

Kit 和 Phat,原來是 LMF樂隊成員。而在現在這支中英文結合的嘻哈組合中,他倆代表“中”,而Brian 和Conroy代表“英”。在香港嘻哈領域中,這支樂隊不同凡響,現在他們將沖擊榜首。最近發行的專輯'Bring It On' 獲得了巨大成功。它不僅是組合的驕傲,也是RTM團隊的驕傲。這些小夥子們也分別有在不同電影中接演角色。


我在其他许多领域进行努力尝试,但我却从未公开谈及它们,主要原因是因为我希望这些事务能够靠自己系统地得以发展,而不要靠我的名望。然而,我发现无论如何人们还是会发觉并加以自己的猜想,这样反而引发溷淆。所以我要试着在这儿打开天窗说亮话。今天我就来说说星革盟有限公司(RTM)。大约三年前,陈自强和成龙的经纪公司停业了后,我成立了这家经纪公司。我在他们公司已经有十一、二年了,并不愿离开,然而当时是境遇所迫,也促使我产生了自己开办经纪公司的念头。星革盟有限公司由我统领,但由我们优异的职员所管理,特别要提到的有:Teresa Lock,她从我刚开始演艺事业时就是我本人的经纪人;还有Lorna Chan。我们所管理的艺术家们都是我的朋友以及认识多年的伙伴。下面就来介绍一下他们,以及“星革盟”为他们所做的事。演员尹子维从我刚到香港时起就是我最好的朋友。我们是在莫文蔚的拍摄会上认识的(我们俩只是背景里的配件),后来又一起演出我们合作的首部电影《美少年之恋》。我们俩一开始都是在JC Group旗下。子维自己已经开创了一番事业,他在创办这个AnD< font size="4">网站中付出了极大努力,也因他在电影中饰演的一些反派角色而成名。然而,他真正的激情与天赋在于歌唱。他是一个棒级了的天才,这一点直到最近大家才真正意识到。回想辛酸的1999/2000年,子维一度尝试涉足歌唱事业,但后来直到我开办了RTM之前都没再真正复出过。公司成立后一开始运作,我就马上着手让子维能有机会再次歌唱。他即将发行的新专辑,《透明》,是RTM付诸许多努力的作品。我们联手才华横溢的 恭硕良Dan The Automator Nakamura(Gorillaz, Kasabian乐队制作人),创作了这张精彩的专辑。

CD发行派对安排在11月25 号。不要错过。对于子维和这张专辑的效果我深感骄傲。如果你们喜欢真正的音乐,你们定会喜欢这张专辑。

连凯原来是我们的男子乐队ALIVE的成员,也是JC Group的签约艺员。我们在多年前拍《公元2000》时认识,之后就一直是好朋友。连凯最近在北京开办了一所特效化妆学校与摄影工作室。他是一个具有极高禀赋的艺术家和凋塑家,能为电影制作很棒的特效,比如何超仪的《维多利亚一号》。他的公司现在为我跟冯德伦出品的双标题影片《太极拳》上、下集(暂名) 负责特效。我在片中所饰角色的化妆,每天都要花费三个小时!

王合喜,香港风帆冲浪运动的传奇人物,演员。我和合喜也是一开始就认识了。我记得他拍第一部电影《无间旅程》时我去片场拜访过他。而后,在我最喜欢的影片之一《旺角黑夜》中我们有过合作。合喜原来也是JC Group旗下。现在他继续在其位于赤柱的风帆运动中心执教。

王敏德永远都是终极的“飞虎队”警界精英形象。我刚来香港时就认识Michael 了。我们以前老是会在健身馆碰到,他以前也是JC Group旗下。在青年时代,他跟我姐还是好朋友。他还是个相当不错的爵士歌手呢。

黄芝琪是我几年前参加Jeanne Hartman的一期演艺研讨会时认识的女演员。她是澳大利亚籍华人,在台湾和香港开始入行当模特儿,但她也是一位相当有天赋的演员。她在《窃听风云》中扮演我的未婚妻。之后不久,我们就将她签到RTM旗下。你们可能已经在我的欧莱雅广告片,以及子维的音乐视频中注意到她了。最近,在洛杉矶 Hollyshorts电影节上,她因在Bloodtraffick中所扮演的角色而获得最佳女演员奖。在即将发行的,由“武当派”导演,RZA主演的功夫片《铁拳无敌》中,她亦有很酷的动作戏。她看来前途一片光明。音乐 恭硕良和我在差不多相同的时间进入演艺业。我记得在旧金山读书时就听说过这个澳门人,而当我看到留着长长的拉斯塔法里式发绺的他时,我就知道这家伙很酷。后来大约在2000/2001年时我认识了他,而且发现我们有许多相似之处。Jun在音乐领域有无可匹敌的力量。他的专长还有架子鼓,并和其他乐手一起负责陈奕迅, 林忆莲, 王菲, 方大同等人的伴奏。他不仅能演奏架子鼓,其他乐器几乎也都能来两下子。他的歌声十分饱满,富于某种灵魂,这在他的香港同辈或同领域的其他人中是极为罕见的。Jun也出演过了多部影片,开始作为一个极其有趣的个性演员而为人所知。去年,我们发行了他十年来的首张独唱专辑《月球人》。这张万众期待的专辑一发行就打进排行榜,深受新、老粉丝喜爱。

传奇的 廿四味组合(从左至右)由 Kit Leung, Brian Siswojo, Eddie Chung, Phat Chan, Brandon HoConroy Chan组成。

Kit 和 Phat,原来是 LMF乐队成员。而在现在这支中英文结合的嘻哈组合中,他俩代表“中”,而Brian 和Conroy代表“英”。在香港嘻哈领域中,这支乐队不同凡响,现在他们将冲击榜首。最近发行的专辑'Bring It On' 获得了巨大成功。它不仅是组合的骄傲,也是RTM团队的骄傲。这些小伙子们也分别有在不同电影中接演角色。


I have my hands in many endeavors but I have never really spoken of them publicly mainly because I wanted the businesses to grow organically on their own rather than on the strength of my name. What I've realized however, is people find out anyway and make their own guesses which then causes confusion. So I'm going to attempt to break things down clearly here. Today I'm talking about REVOLUTION TALENT MANAGEMENT(RTM). This is my management company that I started about 3 years ago after Willie Chan and Jackie Chan's management company closed down. I was with them for 11 or 12 years and didn't want to leave but circumstances forced the occasion and the idea to start my own management company began. Revolution Talent Management is lead by me but run by my great and wonderful staff, mainly Teresa Lock, who has been my personal manager since I began my career, and Lorna Chan. The artistes that we manage are my friends and buddies that I have known for years. Here they are and what we've done for them.

ACTORS Terence Yin has been my best friend in Hong Kong since I first arrived. We met on a photo shoot that starred Karen Mok (we were just the extras in the background) and then later worked on out first movie together, Bishonen. We were both with JC Group (Jackie'Chan's Management company) form the beginning. Terence has made a career for himself playing the baddies in movies as well as putting a lot of effort to start this website AnD. His real passion and talent however, is singing. He is a tremendous talent that now one really knew about until recently. An attempt at a singing career went sour back in 1999/2000 and Terence never really went back to it until I started RTM. Once the company was up and running I immediately set to work on making a situation where Terence could have the opportunity to sing again. 'Transparent', his upcoming album, is the product of a lot of hard work at RTM. We joined forces with talented Jun Kung and Dan The Automator Nakamura (Gorillaz, Kasabian) and created this wonderful album.

The CD launch party is Nov 25th. Don't miss it. I'm so proud of Terence and the way this album turned out. If you like REAL music, you'll like this album.

Andrew Lin was my boyband partner in ALIVE but also a fellow artist with the JC Group. We first met while working on 2000A.D. many years ago and have been good friends ever since. Andrew has recently started a Special Effects Make-Up school and studio in Beijing. He is a tremendously talented artist and sculptor and does great work for movies like Josie Ho's Dream Home. His company has been doing work for the double header film I'm producing with Stephen Fung called Tai Chi Zero and Tai Chi Hero. For my role in the film I had to go through 3 hours of make-up every day!

Ken Wong, Hong Kong windsurfing legend and actor. I have known Ken since the beginning as well. I remember visiting him on set of his first movie Slow Fade. We later worked together on one of my favorite films, 'One Night in Mongkok', Ken was also a former artiste of the JC Group and continues to teach windsurfing at his windsurfing center in Stanley.

MIchael Wong will always be the ultimate SDU man. I've known Michael since I first came to Hong Kong. We used to run into each other all the time at the gym and he was also a member of the JC Group. He was also good friends with my sister when they were youngsters back in the days. He's also a great jazz singer as well.

Grace Huang is an actress I met a few years ago while taking part in one of Jeanne Hartman's acting workshops a few years ago. She's an Australian Chinese who began modeling in Taiwan and Hong Kong but is also a really talented actress. She played my fiance in 'Overheard 2' and not long after that we signed her to RTM. You may have noticed her in my L'Oreal commercials as well as Terence's new MV. She recently won best actress in the LA Hollyshorts Film Festival for her role in Bloodtraffic. She also has a really cool fight scene in the upcoming Kung Fu drama The Man With The Iron Fists directed by Wu-Tang Clan star The RZA. Her future is looking bright!

MUSIC Jun and I began in the business at around the same time. I remember hearing about this Macanese boy back from school in San Francisco and when I saw him with long dreadlocks, I knew this kid was cool. I later got to know him around 2000/2001 and realized we had a lot in common. Jun is a force unmatched in the music industry. He specialty is the drums and plays for Eason Chan, Sandy Lam, Faye Wong, Khalil Fong amongst others. Not only can he beat the drums he can pretty much play any other instrument as well. His singing is full with a kind of soul that is rare amongst his peers in Hong Kong or the region for that matter. Jun has also appeared in many films as well and is starting to make his name as a highly entertaining character actor. Last year we released his first solo CD in 10 years 'Man In The Moon.' This highly anticipated album rocked the charts on it's release which was popular amongst old and new fans alike.

The legendary 24 HERBS consist of (from left to right) Kit Chan, Brian Siswojo, Eddie Chung, Phat Chan, Brandon Ho and Conroy Chan.

Kit and Phat, formerly of LMF, represent the Chinese while Brandon, Brain and Conroy represent the English in this Chinese/English hip hop group. The group has a very unique sound in Hong Kong's Hip Hop world and currently claim the top spot in the scene. The latest album release 'Bring It On' was a huge success and was a proud achievement not only for them but also for the RTM team. The boys are also individually getting roles in movies as well.

So this is the Revolution Talent Management squad. These are my boys and girls that I have a vested interest in and will continue to support and foster their careers. Hope all is clear and understandable now.

12 年多 前 0 赞s  35 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
I really love Jun's album, its one of the top listens in my iPhone. I can't wait for his next one.
12 年多 ago
Photo 613475
Appreciated your hard work! Your artists do perform well and are talented!! All the best!
12 年多 ago
Elena dd unset 18
They are talented, especially Jun! looking forward
12 年多 ago
Photo 628912
Great page - sonmehow just came across it... Good luck with all - from across the waters in the UK, ps Look out for Chris Goh he is doing incredible work...
12 年多 ago
Img 4957
:) thumbs up.
12 年多 ago



Hong Kong, Hong Kong
July 27, 2005