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Daniel Wu
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Thanks Tokyo, the sushi was great! | 感謝東京,壽司真可口! | 感谢东京,寿司真可口!

We are out of Tokyo and now in Kobe. What a difference! Big props to Tokyo for your hospitality. Here are some final images...


The two photos above are from Tsukiji, the wholesale fish market where fresh fish comes in the morning to be distributed to Sushi joints all over. Went at 6am right after getting off work. We'd been saying we'd go the whole time we'd been there but the opportunity never came. So our last morning in Tokyo was dedicated to this place, even though I was tired as hell. It was worth it. I've never seen a whole tuna before and there must have been a few hundred lying all about. We walked around taking photos and finally worked up an appetite to have a sushi breakfast. Nice way to round up our stay in Tokyo.

I basically grew up on Telegraph Avenue in Berkeley. My friends and I used to haunt all the cafes in the area talking bullshit into the wee hours of the night. F.O.B. Cafe is what we used to call the I House cafe. It was the International students house cafe so there were plenty of FOB's there, thus the nickname. I know it's kind of mean but I was a jerk and still am sometimes. Now I'm a FOB in Asia.

Any lonely ladies out there? This place is full handsome men ready to please you and take away all the days stress. I hear many a office lady have stolen company funds in order to keep up the habit.

| >我們已經離開東京,現在到了神戶。迥然不同的城市! 感謝東京的盛情,最後拍的一些照片…

這兩張照片是從清晨的鮮魚批發市場Tsukiji魚市拍的,魚從這裏發送到全國的壽司店。早上6點 結束工作後我們直接到了魚市,一直在說有機會要來,但從沒找到機會。即使我已經非常疲憊,在東京的最後一個早晨一定要到這裏看看。不虛此行,以前我沒看過 整條吞拿魚是什麽樣子,現在有上百條躺在面前。我們四處轉悠,拍照片,最後終於有胃口吃了一頓壽司早餐。東京之旅的完美結束。


有孤獨的女士嗎? 這兒都是帥男孩,準備著逗你樂,消除整天的疲累。我聽說有OL為了一直去那兒,不惜盜用公司資金。


这两张照片是从清晨的鲜鱼批发市场鱼市拍的,鱼从这里发送到全国的寿司店。早上6点 结束工作后我们直接到了鱼市,一直在说有机会要来,但从没找到机会。即使我已经非常疲惫,在东京的最后一个早晨一定要到这里看看。不虚此行,以前我没看过 整条吞拿鱼是什么样子,现在有上百条躺在面前。我们四处转悠,拍照片,最后终于有胃口吃了一顿寿司早餐。东京之旅的完美结束。


有孤独的女士吗? 这儿都是帅男孩,准备着逗你乐,消除整天的疲累。我听说有为了一直去那儿,不惜盗用公司资金。


about 17 years ago 0 likes  37 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
oh yes, the host club... gender equity in the sex industry, how far we've come!
about 17 years ago
Photo 22991
pardon my ignorance...but wat does FOB stand for? mm...guess many gals would want you as an FOB :p
about 17 years ago
Photo 23632
cafe de fob haha. awesome!! hope all's going well.
about 17 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
FOB = 'Fresh Off The Boat' = recent immigrant
about 17 years ago


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