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Tomorrow is Nelson Mandela Day!|明天是曼德拉國際日|明天是曼德拉国际日|Tomorrow is Nelson Mandela Day!

Tomorrow is Nelson Mandela day. As a frequent traveler to South Africa, I truly understand the impact Nelson Mandela has made for the people of South Africa and for human rights around the world. Please do your part to support Nelson Mandela Day by using 67 minutes to make the world a better place! For more info please go here: http://mandeladay.asia请支持《国际曼德拉日》, 你会怎样用你的67分钟?

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdB9SsEKvI4


明天是曼德拉國際日。納爾遜•曼德拉對於南非人民以及全世界人權問題帶來的影響,我作為南非的常客,深有體會。請大家盡自己的一份力量來支持曼德拉國際日:抽出67分鐘,讓這世界變得更加美好!欲知詳情,請點擊這個鏈接了解: http://mandeladay.asia請支持《國際曼德拉日》, 你會怎樣用你的67分鐘?

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdB9SsEKvI4

http://mandeladay.asia请支持《国际曼德拉日》, 你会怎样用你的67分钟?

Video: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDI1MjE3NjY0.html|Tomorrow is Nelson Mandela day. As a frequent traveler to South Africa, I truly understand the impact Nelson Mandela has made for the people of South Africa and for human rights around the world. Please do your part to support Nelson Mandela Day by using 67 minutes to make the world a better place! For more info please go here: http://mandeladay.asia请支持《国际曼德拉日》, 你会怎样用你的67分钟?

Video: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDI1MjE3NjY0.html Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdB9SsEKvI4

almost 12 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
nice, you're covering two bases at once! HK Clean Up x Nelson Mandela!
almost 12 years ago


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