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What's Your Color? Find Your True Color! | 你的真我是什麽?找到屬於你的真色彩! |你的真我是什么?找到属于你的真色彩!

Why a chicken?

I’m not sure really. I’ve had a strange fascination with chickens since college. Their existence often baffles me. Why are they on this planet? Do they exist only to be eaten? Being the lowest mammal in the food chain, I often feel sorry for them, because chickens are the weakest animals on the planet with no dangerous form of attack and absolutely no way to defend themselves. They can’t even fly away because their wings are so out of proportion with their bodies. So in a way this short film is turning the tables around for once. A chickens’ fantasy if you will. A chicken rights film. A chicken kicking my ass.

I decided the only person that would get my oddball sense of humor and pull this film off was my good old buddy Jason Tobin. He played David’s assistant in The Heavenly Kings and pulled off the performance of a lifetime as Virgil in Justin Lin’s Better Luck Tomorrow. Jason has aspirations of directing and this was the perfect way to get his feet wet. Having done an awesome job on the music videos for Hardpack and Audiotraffic, I felt it was time to take Jason to the next level.

We decided that we wanted to experiment with film this time instead of the regular boring old video. We chose the 8mm format because we just love that grainy 70’s home movie look. The texture you get out of 8mm film simply cannot be reproduced in video. We hired Jam Yau as our dp because of his special 8mm film knowledge. We set up a bunch of different types of rigs, including a mini stedi-cam to make the shots as dynamic as possible. Thanks to Jam we were able to make the most of shooting in 8mm. I definitely want to use this medium again in the future.

We pulled off the entire thing in one long 14 hour shoot.  Most of the scenes were shot on location in DEF boxing gym, where I work out from time to time. It was quite complex because we had to many setups and lighting conditions. Not to mention the actual fight had supporting actors and a whole bunch of extras that had no idea what the hell we were doing. Much props to Kim Chan for wearing the chicken outfit a dealing with the no air con conditions. We shot till morning then hit the streets to do all the outdoor running scenes. It was tough doing winds sprints after having been up all night and dealing with the summer heat but in the end we pulled it off.

Jason handled the post-production entirely himself and even hired Don Cruz, guitar superstar from Audiotraffic, to score the film. In the end, the film exceeded my expectations and really kicked ass. I think chickens around the world will be thanking us for the work we’ve done for them for generations to come!

Click here to watch the video.

| 為什麽是只雞?


我覺得唯一一位能把我這個奇怪的幽默想法付諸實踐的是好友Jason Tobin。他在《四大天王》中擔任David的助理,也在Justin Lin《明日好運到》中精彩演出了Virgil。Jason渴望擔當導演,這是讓他開始的絕好機會。為HardpackAudiotraffic拍攝了精彩MV之後,我感覺現在是Jason更進一步的時候了。

跟平淡無趣的舊式短片比起來,我們這次想做一部實驗電影。因為愛看70年代顆粒狀的家庭錄象帶,我們選擇了8mm攝影機。8mm攝影機拍出來的影象很質樸,視頻無法再制作。因為Jam Yau擁有8mm攝影機的豐富知識,我們請了他幫忙。我們設置了許多不同類型的設備,包括一部迷你減震器,盡可能拍得更具動態感。感謝Jam,因為他我們才能用8mm拍攝大部分鏡頭。我以後一定還會用它拍攝。

整個電影實際上是連續拍攝、長達14個小時的一個鏡頭。大部分場景都在DEF拳擊場,我在那兒拍了又拍。非常復雜,我們有許多設置和燈光設備。實際的打鬥支持了演出,整個一票人不曉得我們到底在拍什麽。Kim Chan穿的雞道具根本沒有散熱設備。我們一直拍到清晨,然後到街上拍所有戶外跑步場景。經過整晚的拍攝,又頂著夏天的日曬,拍攝非常艱苦,但我們終於完成了。

Jason獨立完成了整個後期制作,還請來Audiotraffic的吉他超級巨星Don Cruz幫忙,為影片加分。最後這部短片超越了我的期待,真的超級棒。我猜世界上的雞們會感謝我們為它們後代所做的這一切!


| 为什么是只鸡?我也不知道。从大学时起我对鸡就有种奇怪的迷恋,它们的存在常常令我困惑。它们为什么会在这星球存在?只是为了被吃掉?作为食物链中最低级的哺乳动物,它们总使我悲哀,鸡是地球上最软弱的动物,不带任何攻击性,也无法保护自己。因为翅膀跟身体的比例失调,它们永远没办法飞起来,所以这个短片从某方面来说是种逆转。如果你愿意去想,这是只鸡的白日梦,一只鸡的凯歌,一只鸡打败了我。我觉得唯一一位能把我这个奇怪的幽默想法付诸实践的是好友Jason Tobin。他在《四大天王》中担任David的助理,也在Justin Lin《明日好运到》中精彩演出了Virgil。Jason渴望担当导演,这是让他开始的绝好机会。为HardpackAudiotraffic拍摄了精彩MV之后,我感觉现在是Jason更进一步的时候了。跟平淡无趣的旧式短片比起来,我们这次想做一部实验电影。因为爱看70年代颗粒状的家庭录象带,我们选择了8mm摄影机。8mm摄影机拍出来的影象很质朴,视频无法再制作。因为Jam Yau拥有8mm摄影机的丰富知识,我们请了他帮忙。我们设置了许多不同类型的设备,包括一部迷你减震器,尽可能拍得更具动态感。感谢Jam,因为他我们才能用8mm拍摄大部分镜头。我以后一定还会用它拍摄。整个电影实际上是连续拍摄、长达14个小时的一个镜头。大部分场景都在DEF拳击场,我在那儿拍了又拍。非常复杂,我们有许多设置和灯光设备。实际的打斗支持了演出,整个一票人不晓得我们到底在拍什么。Kim Chan穿的鸡道具根本没有散热设备。我们一直拍到清晨,然后到街上拍所有户外跑步场景。经过整晚的拍摄,又顶着夏天的日晒,拍摄非常艰苦,但我们终于完成了。Jason独立完成了整个后期制作,还请来Audiotraffic的吉他超级巨星Don Cruz帮忙,为影片加分。最后这部短片超越了我的期待,真的超级棒。我猜世界上的鸡们会感谢我们为它们后代所做的这一切点击查看短片

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  34 评论s  0 shares
Photo 22991
yep saw the clip which seemed wacky and all....didn't know u were fascinated by them, but it's true wat u said...no relation but im born in the year of the rooster
大约 17 年 ago
Simonbirch 4e simonbirch
ha, this film is freakin awesome. i love when the chicken kicks your ass.....not in the ring, i mean kicks your ass at acting. sb x
大约 17 年 ago



Hong Kong, Hong Kong
July 27, 2005