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Where's the beef? | 牛肉在哪兒?|牛肉在哪儿?

Kobe, Japan home of the sake fed beef. I reckon if I was gonna be a beef cow and be slaughtered anyway, a Wagyu Kobe cow would be the best. You get to eat great food, drink sake, get massages and basically live the good life before getting whacked. Been here for two days but haven't eaten it yet. I'm building up for a good climax, well not really, just haven't had time to go out and eat yet. So for now it's shitty ass cold bento boxes.

I did however, manage to make it out to the last night of the Luminaire festival in Kobe. This is in memory of the 95 earthquake and the special lighting was designed and made by  some Italians. Why Italians? I have no idea. We actually happened upon this by mistake while walking around downtown Kobe. At around 5:30 we saw the cops blocking off the streets and a huge crowd walking in one direction and so like the sheep that we are, we decided to follow. We turned a corner and the giant crowd was at a standstill. At this time we still didn't know what the hell was going on. We ended up waiting for half an hour before the street opened up and we were allowed to proceed. Once we turned the corner, we saw it in all of it's Disneyland electric street parade glory.

This light-brite arcade stretched on for two blocks and although it was a bit cheesy, it was impressive in it's scale.

The arcade led to a park where this thing was sitting...a giant lit-brite house!

Look at the crazy tension wires stabilizing the structure.

Something totally different...Japan is the only place where I have seen people adhere to the, "Stay to one side if you're not walking" rule on escalators. In the States or in HK people are strewn all over the escalator and then they give you dirty looks if you try and get by. But Japan is about order and respecting the rules.

My only question is: In Tokyo people wait on the left but in Kobe, they wait on the right. Why is that? Is there some historical significance? Was there some kind of schism between Kansai and Kanto that caused the people to choose sides? Like many questions I have about Japanese culture, I may never know and may never find out.

|神戶,以出產用米酒和特別飼料餵養的菜牛而聞名。我在想如果我是頭牛,既然免不了被殺,最好能當一頭用米酒餵養的和牛,可以吃好飼料、喝米酒、享受按摩, 在被殺之前過好日子。但我到了兩天,還沒吃到名聞遐邇的神戶牛肉。我的期待日益達到頂點,但其實只是沒機會出門去吃。現在一直在吃極難吃的冷盒飯。



看看這些為了穩固而拉的瘋狂電線。 有些事截然不同…日本民眾是我所見到唯一堅持乘扶梯”如果不走動就靠一邊站”的民眾。在美國或香港,人們隨意站在扶梯裏。如果你試著往前走,他們會給你白眼。但日本人制定並遵守站立規則。

我唯一的問題是:在東京,人們站在左邊,但在神戶,大家站右邊。這是為什麽?有什麽歷史意義?難道關西、關東有不同教派讓人們站在不同邊?就象我對日本文化的諸多疑問,這個問題也許永遠也無法得到答案。 |神户,以出产用米酒和特别饲料喂养的菜牛而闻名。我在想如果我是头牛,既然免不了被杀,最好能当一头用米酒喂养的和牛,可以吃好饲料、喝米酒、享受按摩, 在被杀之前过好日子。但我到了两天,还没吃到名闻遐迩的神户牛肉。我的期待日益达到顶点,但其实只是没机会出门去吃。现在一直在吃极难吃的冷盒饭。






大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  66 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
they go ape shit over those christmas illuminations... yes the escalator thing is a timeless mystery... Osaka is one way, Kyoto is another...
大约 17 年 ago
Photo 22991
i love wagyu beef...it melts in your mouth...however haven't tried Kobe beef yet...guess they can be associated or independent stuff... s'pore at mrt escalators more in the finance district @ Raffles place, ppl adhere more to this rule. But generally they'd let u go if u need to rush up.
大约 17 年 ago
Photo 42111
How beautful the city !And Merry Christmas!
大约 17 年 ago
Photo 46553
I just figured out why people in Kansai wait on the right! there may be some historical relevance to the katanas and all that, as one of your fans mentioned, but I heard it was because they respected the European stardard during the Osaka Expo. after escalators were built more and more in Tokyo, the standards of " passing lane(right)" took over, and waiting on the left became the mutual agreement in the Kanto district. however, due to occasional accidents from passing by on moving escaltors, they are recently trying to enforce "no passing" as social mannerism. tata!
16 年多 ago



Hong Kong, Hong Kong
July 27, 2005