Official Artist
Daniel Chan
Director , Producer , Screenwriter
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Do Try This At Home! Do "The Pie"!

Hey Guys,

        Just thought I'd share with you clips of my favorite comedy duo the "Might Boosh"... These guys are by far the weirdest dudes in comedy... I was still in high school when I first saw their "The Pie"... And my sister and I would reenact this bit just about everytime either of us says the word "Pie"... I have video of us reenacting "The Pie"... I wanted to post it, but my sister said she would disown me if I do...

You guys should try it out... I dare you all! Go find a friend, pick a character and get silly with it... I always like to play the Julien part (the guy offering the pie)... I gurantee you, it will bring you decades of fun!!!

Just to build it up even more, before you watch "The Pie"... I have a Boosh Stand Up clip to get you primed... it is just as weird and absurd... and just as funny...




Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdBCArdDvW4

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares
Photo 33427
Genius. Seasons 1 and 2 of the TV series are great, season 3 is a classic example of what happens when you spend money on an idea which doesn't need money. "I'm ole' Greg!"
almost 16 years ago


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