I got a cool email today from one of my friends about casting and extras casting for The Hobbit in New Zealand. It is totally old school casting style where you have to physically send them your photos and videos. Also you don't try out for specific roles but just send your info and they will contact you. They did mention you would have to be available for a two film commitment. As I found out in Hollywood, you are either what they want or you are not, not really much in between. Although this one may be an exception with how much make up and FX shots needed. I will work on sending in my info in the next few days.
Another friend who is a huge LOST fan found out about a video contest. I have no idea what they want to do but they brought me in because of my experience working on films. I know we can't do anything tropical because if you seen how the weather and snow is in Chicago right now, there will be no island shoots. Maybe we can find a polar bear though!!