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Dan Latham
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Transformers 4: Chicago becomes Hong Kong

Or "Kong Hong" as they had the characters reversed on somethings.  It took the Chinese actors on set to point that out!   lol

Transformers Age of Extinction rolled into town and I have been busy as hell.   Add to the 5 other shows shooting in Chicago, and I am feeling it but loving every minute of it.  Due to agreements I have signed I really can't say anything about it except for the fact that I have worked on it.  I will say this, it was one of the most physically demanding things I have done so far but it's also probably the most fun I've had on a movie set yet.

There is parts of the movie that take place in HK but they are using locations here and in Detroit for them.  Not exactly sure what is next for them but they are coming there next after filming wraps here.  Hopefully HK is ready!!!

Some of the HK sets

Then there's this place

And it wouldn't be a Michael Bay movie with out this...

I'll post a follow up next year when it comes out but I will be sad when filming ends in a few weeks.   Hopefully some AnDers get on when it comes there next month!!

over 11 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares
Photo 505164
Oh wow! Looks like they did a good job giving it a Hong Kong feel. I know they're shooting here next month. I imagine they probably aren't doing the practical effect explosion shots here. Haha
over 11 years ago



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