Questions and answers (in my own opinion) This blog is a product of an interesting questions by my friends here, hope it is of an interesting read for all you who come across it.
Hi Queenie/Gogi,
A very interesting question from both of you, this indicates that most people have questioned the same in one time or another. A question that will have millions of different answers depending on ones believe and stand point.
I was Baptist as a Christian since I was a month old, then I left the Church when I was 12, as I was disillusioned and dissatisfied that the Church cannot answer my the questions I had at the time. This mainly where do we go after our physical death, I do mean in details, not some made up stories of heaven and hell. (This brought out another question is why I didn’t accept what was given to me, in terms of the Churches doctrine? While others will take it as fact, I think this is either I have such a inquisitive mind that I need to know everything that I’m seriously interested in, or what I hear or learn did not resonate with the truth that lodges deep inside each one of us)
I then taken up Spiritualism (very strong movement in northern part of Europe) since I was around 14, followed by Buddhism after I’ve learned all there is to learn but still feel something lacking, which Buddhism offered and that is Karma. Later I also found in modern science as the basic physical law, which is action and reaction is always opposite and equal. This holds true for both the physical and metaphysical.
Having done meditation for about 10 years, plus under the guidance of a great master, I finally one day come to a realisation that I can go on my own without any ‘walking aid’. Metaphorically speaking, this is why some of us needing a religion, as we either mentally not ready or because of the teachings from our society that we are not able to self help, and that we need help of others, but either way, we will mature in our own time.
I am certain that had I got the affinity and time, I would have also learnt from Islam and other religions. This also refers to my martial art training where I picked up the most useful bit from many styles to suit my body and my mind.
We shouldn’t be limiting ourselves of one or two fixed ideas, or anything for that matter, this will free our minds and discriminate ourselves thus turn out to discriminate others because our behaviour is a reflection of our internal mental world.
In the end, I have come to realise that we shouldn’t be so biased to think that one form, one religion, one race or believe is better than others. They all contain messages and information that will aid our growth, may it be in the physical or mental form.
Specifically to Queenie, to your question regarding whether I go as a speaker for church or a temple, the answer is that there are many guises for a ‘light worker’. Some people will need certain messages according to their level of spiritual understanding, so being a priest or a monk will suit those people for their development. While lots of people will turn away as soon as they see or hear any form of organisation or religion. What I do is no different but to appeal to those who find what I say resonates what is within them, to remind and remind the reason what and why we’re here. I have been expressing my views with people and friends when I was a part of temples I used to go, and have participate in group discussions after practice, just like what I’m doing now, but standing in front of hundreds or thousands of people? No, and I don’t think that I the idea to preach or ram my ideals and believes down peoples throat. Free will do mean we all wake up in our own time and we decides what and which way we turn, what I offer here is one of many different paths to the same end, but it is still down to each one of us to choose.
Reply to Gogi’s question as to why so many people getting it so wrong in our religion? In my opinion this problem arise from the lower negative self, which I mentioned many time in my blogs, is that we are the total of everything that there is. In another word, we are the god and the devil (lots of people wouldn’t not accept this), we contain within our soul all of the positivity and negativity. Since we have been given free will, we can and we do choose the path and action we take, only in time and from painful experiences over time (I mean lifetimes of reincarnation), that we will one day learn and are able to remind ourselves of the wrongful doings plus the repercussions of our action that we will use our free will once more, to do and to act without any incrimination against ourselves.
The world is in the mess it is, is because our inclination of our negative and lower animal nature, although we are scientific and technologically advance, but our spirituality is still very much at infancy. We see that others are wrong and we are right, we see that our opinion and ideal will suit others, our standard must be the one to go by, etc etc. We will then impose this on others who don’t share the same view, or to suppress them to submission. I can go on and on with thousands of examples but it all end up to the same conclusion. We need time to grow, and the mature ones is waiting with love and patience for the ones about to wake up or willing to grow.
We need to go deeper back in to our positive and higher spiritual self in order to learn and bring back a balance to address all of our negative issues. This goes back to the same old question of free will and spiritual maturity, we cannot and should not force the issue, as we (all people of this world and universe) will only wake up in our own time.
Love and Peace