Dan Ramos
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So long Montreal! Being there for 3 months has made me appreciate you even more. I love everyone that has helped my family and I deal with the lost of my father Ernesto Ramos Sr. and am grateful for all of your support. To those who also came out to my OFF-JFL show "MontréaL.A", UN GRAND MERCI A VOUS/BIG THANKS TO YOU! Also big thanks to the Montreal comedy community (Comedyworks, The Comedy Nest, STFU Comedy Show, Psychic City,Montreal Improv,The Blue Dog Mote etc...l) for showing me some AMOUR.

NYC! I'm in you from today until Sept 5th and will be doing a set TONIGHT at The Stand at 10PM.

If y'all got spots, hook a Filipino brother out because it's "hard out there for a paaaaimp".

thestand #nyc #comedy

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OFF-JFL/ZOOFEST/The Gong Show/Comic/Video Man

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Member Since
September 21, 2017
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Los Angeles, CA, United States