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Darren E. Scott 朱国安
Actor , MC / Show Host , Stuntperson
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"The Nearness Of You" Short Film

Here's a short film that I did last spring directed by Xiao Li Tan.  It was one of three of a series of films for the Opposite House this year.  It screened this evening in Sanlitun in Beijing.  Enjoy. My co-star was Krista Donargo.  China link to come soon but here's a trailer link for now.Video: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDQ3MzIxODUy.htmlVideo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nh5KcOaRTtoFollow Me! 关注我!FacebookWeiboTwitter

over 12 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
if only they had had a chance to bump into eachother in the hall, both of their problems would have been solved! :-P
over 12 years ago


Follow me on twitter @DarrenEScott www.darrenescott.com Do you feel cold and lost in desperation? You build up hope but failure's all you've known Remem

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January 19, 2008